The Wuhan virus 🦠


Forum Pisshead
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Andrew’s smashed the opposition leader at the last election. Guess what his running against the same guy pardon the pun 🤣

I rekon he will get re-elected.

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Yep , she's been controlling the narrative for so long

That's why she was storming out of press conferences, didn't want any questions on that

As I said earlier , her root that wasn't good enough to meet mum and dad but was good enough for a million dollars

And now she claims icac , is she fucking serious, apparently she is irreplaceable

What a arrogant toad , she wouldn't even look down her lga because she wouldn't have been able to see her new root

Who just happens to be a member of icac

Her last 2 predecessors went out for a lot less , Barry went for a bottle of wine

She's been a crook and incompetent, look at the ruby princess, how did she pull that off without any repercussions

And finally has the hide to think any crimes in her personal life doesn't affect her kid as leader , some sort of bitch
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The man your mother warned you about.
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This is not about a virus anymore!✌
its about $$$ for the state

Isn’t this what they’ve been hinting at for years ..

Pushing the great reset or new world order,,,,whatever you want to call it but not one person has voted for this,,except those elite cnuts.

forget the $$$,,, they want to take that away from us too.

” you will own nothing and be happy “
yeah sure !


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Thank you, Sedge. I don't understand why it's so hard to put it out there. Only reason I can see is the fact they don't want to look like a nutjob by doing so. Nothing to be gained by this speaking in tougues jargon.

Truth to the matter, the shit started long ago. For instance you haven't truly owned the property your house may be built on. That sorta BS dates back decades.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Very good point indy..our homes ,,but we supposed to get council permission to do stuff,,,and pay the bastard for the privilege.


HPS turncoat
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No new cases to report today, but they're only being held over to boost tomorrow's numbers, so they can impose a lockdown from 4pm the same day. Purchase ya shitpaper today SEQldr's.. 😆
Yep, after the footy and just enough time for the holidayers to get home.....and stay there.....
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