The wide world of Nutes


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Ive used seasol for years and never had a problem but it does have eye watering level of salt when ya open the bottle and i only ever use it at half strength. Powerfeed ive used all the colours before and i personally think it is not very good.

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Some people think oldfark talk shit cause I don't do brag and praise shots,
Maybe oldfark needs to show some skills soon.
Never fear Rez,oldfark here!
Doubt not my good man oldfark been doing this for near 40 years.
You don't need any thing too fancy to grow top class flowers.
Besides decent genetics.
And some good Aussie products which have stood the test of time.
Some hate seasol, all good.✌🏻
Fuckin hit us with em hard mate. 🤞
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