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What's the thoughts on UFO's around these parts?
I'm talking the congressional UFO meetings in the US.
David Grusch.
tic-tac UFO and back engineering programs.
what you guys all reckon?
I’m saying the us are building ufos and robots to emulate aliens to scare humans and keep using fear to control us all. Not just the us but they are being built man made ufos and robots to look and behave like aliens. No such thing as real aliens 👽 100%


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I’m saying the us are building ufos and robots to emulate aliens to scare humans and keep using fear to control us all. Not just the us but they are being built man made ufos and robots to look and behave like aliens. No such thing as real aliens 👽 100%
I beg to differ, I watched a nice documentary last night called "Aliens", It was comentated by Sigourny Weaver and even had a little girl called Nute....which was a name given to her by her stoner parents, yeah they was so stoned they didn't give any fucks about impregnation, well I guess they could have called her CalMag, but that sounds totally like a dudes name....but I digress, I have seen aliens in real life on this documentary.....And remember one can hear you in space.....unless you got a 90 Wat Mesa Boogie all tube amp, beleive me they'll fucking hear you !!! True Story (y) :LOL: :sleep:


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I beg to differ, I watched a nice documentary last night called "Aliens", It was comentated by Sigourny Weaver and even had a little girl called Nute.

My favourite story from that movie ...sorry, documentary, was apparently Sigourney Weaver refused to shave her pubes for the famous "stretch" scene and they had to hire a person to erase the hairs that stood out in each frame :ROFLMAO:.


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Where definitely not alone but i think it's bs ti assume there these sophisticated piecefull enlightened beings I mean u can think in terms of right or wrong but it comes down to survival amd doing wjat u need how many


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I’m saying the us are building ufos and robots to emulate aliens to scare humans and keep using fear to control us all. Not just the us but they are being built man made ufos and robots to look and behave like aliens. No such thing as real aliens 👽 100%
I think this is also wjst my retarded brain was also trynna get at


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I’m saying the us are building ufos and robots to emulate aliens to scare humans and keep using fear to control us all. Not just the us but they are being built man made ufos and robots to look and behave like aliens. No such thing as real aliens 👽 100%
It's likely that it's all bullshit even the so called whistle blowers likentjwt one old dude tjst reckons he worked at eria 51 how osent he dead he's probably just doing it for money really


The man your mother warned you about.
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It's likely that it's all bullshit even the so called whistle blowers likentjwt one old dude tjst reckons he worked at eria 51 how osent he dead he's probably just doing it for money really
It's likely that it's all bullshit even the so called whistle blowers likentjwt one old dude tjst reckons he worked at eria 51 how osent he dead he's probably just doing it for money really

is there a way to make this readable
Dunno,,,maybe check your spelling?
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