The serrated wedge social golf club

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Forum Pisshead
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How about the last weekend of October could play on the sat and sun then it’s melbourne cup on the Tuesday for recovery?


Staff member
Community Member
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yeah, long weekend probably not a great idea.. flights, accom, all very expensive.. surely everyone can book a day or two off 6months in advance..? fucked if i wanna be driving interstate on a long weekend with copius amounts of weed in the system.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yeah do it late November or December before school holidays I reckon.


Forum Pisshead
User ID
Goin to smash a few balls this weekend it’s a fuckin hilly track, take a few lady cans and a scoob to get the fuel air mix right.

Been looking at golf carts too, always wanted a mobile esky 😝


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
That weekend is my wedding aniverrisery so fuckin any weekend but that. 😂😂😂

Deleted member DC01

Goin to smash a few balls this weekend it’s a fuckin hilly track, take a few lady cans and a scoob to get the fuel air mix right.

Been looking at golf carts too, always wanted a mobile esky 😝
Fucking ripper of a day for it Gazza, not a cloud in sight above the flog curse
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Forum Pisshead
User ID
Had a hit Sunday, was pretty rough going not me best efforts, been 6 months without a game. Pedro was on fire short and straight did awesome for first game in 20 years lol and he didn’t complain not once, rekon he likes it, will like it more when it’s stubby a hole lol.
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