The Random Discussion / Argument Thread


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Nice new big Tesla warehouse,office building
Thingy just up the road here.
How long till some angry and bitter Tesla owner takes revenge on it?
Isn't it impossible to unload your unwanted throw away car now?
Were never going to mars!
Fuck not even sure we've been to the moon.
Especially when you can't even get a successful launch!💥
If he & Trump were fully, confidently behind his projects, he should get them to both sit on top of one of his rockets & fire it at Mars.

Hopefully, neither of them would survive the launch, let alone the return trip.

Actually, I doubt whether either of them would be able to withstand the G Forces involved in a launch (but we can only hope......).

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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What a miserable piece of shit.

" Stooping so low as to use electricity, that so affects the lives of innocent people. " 🤣
Ummm......there was no plan from Canada to stop the electricity. Just charge US more

Diaper stooped so low he directed Musk to shut down Starlink in Ukraine, enabling Russia to murder 18 innocent children, while Ukraine was without critical military intelligence.

Fucking snivelling dog.

" Who made these decisions and why?"
Ummm...dementia Don, you renewed and signed off the deal with Canada while you were in office in 2018.
You fucken spastic.
Rewriting more fake history.

Tomorrow white house media slut Karolina will try and tell us its all Bidens fault.
Lies after lies after lies. Non stop media lies



The man your mother warned you about.
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Check this out .....

May as well just ban cars ,,more die on the roads than from air pollution,,and fuck it may as well ban phones coz lithium mining isn’t good either,,,while they are at it they ought to ban building new homes cos that whole industry pumps shit into the air too,,
Ban smoking weed too coz of all the fucken smoke FFS,,

What are you going to do then ?

I woke up this morning and had the biggest fart,,enjoyed it too,,
And no remorse what so ever for playing my part in polluting the air you breath.😂

Sun Ra

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Blocks of cocaine are washing up on beaches around Bundy.

Might have to go for a drive and do a bit of beach combing.

Jeez, find a kilo brick - that would last ya a while. Probs the rest of my life. 🤣

If I find a few I might donate one for the TSE raffle. 🤪

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Sun Ra

Community Member
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May as well just ban cars ,,more die on the roads than from air pollution,,and fuck it may as well ban phones coz lithium mining isn’t good either,,,while they are at it they ought to ban building new homes cos that whole industry pumps shit into the air too,,
Ban smoking weed too coz of all the fucken smoke FFS,,

What are you going to do then ?

I woke up this morning and had the biggest fart,,enjoyed it too,,
And no remorse what so ever for playing my part in polluting the air you breath.😂
After reading your comment, I'm not sure you read the article.
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