The Random Discussion / Argument Thread

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Wow. I can't wait for some more rhetoric /s

Guns don't kill. People kill
It's not a gun problem. It's a mental health problem
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun
I will never surrender my right to bear arms- especially the ones that can shoot 7000 rounds per nanosecond
What a cesspit Merica has become!

View attachment 40218
As fucked as the situation is in the States. If they banned Assault Rifles alone a majority of this shit wouldn't happen.

No one outside the defence forces has an reasonable excuse to own one. After all, they're designed and built for one purpose in mind, close to mid-range combat.

Hash 710

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Move to the USA pal if that's what you want. Car thieves and house burglars you can deal with by insurance and common sense. Not guns mate.
A very small percentage of the population would stoop low enough to steal your car or burgle your house, if you shot the ones that did there would be a lot less lowlife thieving cunts out there.

Not sure what the USA has to do with it

Sun Ra

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A very small percentage of the population would stoop low enough to steal your car or burgle your house, if you shot the ones that did there would be a lot less lowlife thieving cunts out there.

Not sure what the USA has to do with it
If you're happy to go to jail for killing some poor cunt who robs your house or steals your car ........ what can I say ?

Maybe you're a psychopath ?

I have this weird feeling you voted NO in the referendum.

Kermit Tea.gif
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Hash 710

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If you're happy to go to jail for killing some poor cunt who robs your house or steals your car ........ what can I say ?

Maybe you're a psychopath ?

I have this weird feeling you voted NO in the referendum.

View attachment 40365

No not happy to go to jail, it shouldn't be a crime to protect your property and wasn't till recently.
There are many lefty softcocks getting voted in these days, you no doubt vote for them

What referendum ?

Sun Ra

Community Member
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No not happy to go to jail, it shouldn't be a crime to protect your property and wasn't till recently.
There are many lefty softcocks getting voted in these days, you no doubt vote for them

What referendum ?
In 5th century BCE Athenian democracy, only males had the right to vote.
In the middle of the century however, voting eligibility was tightened.
Part of that process required voters to have their genitals checked.

For two reasons.

Guess them both and I’ll send you hugs and kisses.



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No not happy to go to jail, it shouldn't be a crime to protect your property and wasn't till recently.
There are many lefty softcocks getting voted in these days, you no doubt vote for them

What referendum ?

Agreed. But if you cant drop them with a Shotgun, 303/Enfield, etc.. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun in a first place. Because shit is only going to get messy with a AR-15, etc..


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Stay well away from gun's mate 👍. Not needed in Australia all the young blokes carry plenty of knives 😑


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Was raised around Firearms by responsible licensed gun owners who regularly went hunting. Used in the right manner, they pose very little risk.

Depends on ones upbringing and knowledge of them i guess. Majority of Aussie's have no need for them as you mentioned though.

Hash 710

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Agreed. But if you cant drop them with a Shotgun, 303/Enfield, etc.. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun in a first place. Because shit is only going to get messy with a AR-15, etc..
Its a moot point here you're not allowed to buy a AR-15.
As for the USA maybe only "white" people should be allowed to own guns :ROFLMAO:,
only problem is you would have a population explosion and the weather would get warmer from the extra Co2
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