The hermaphrodite thread!


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That was 1 plant. Like I said I've done multiple horrific things to plants that would make any modern strain 🍌 Everywhere and none of em did so no I don't think every female plant can be made to hermie!!
So you think you can stress any female plant to hermie? You admit to also completely fucking plants and they didn't hermie but others were treated like royalty and threw 🍌 everywhere!
So you think any female plant can be made to hermie?
My answer is no but like I said I'm not sure about it!

Your final statement sums up the stupidity of this discussion.

You and mic both assert that a plant hermies due to genetics and not all cannabis can.

Now you seem to be twisting it an diverting from that question.

You seem to have forgotten the point again? Far out it’s ridiculous..

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Your final statement sums up the stupidity of this discussion.

You and mic both assert that a plant hermies due to genetics and not all cannabis can.

Now you seem to be twisting it an diverting from that question.

You seem to have forgotten the point again? Far out it’s ridiculous..
So you won't answer the question you asked me but I'm deflecting! 🤔
Yeah this thread is complete joke!


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Me saying I think plants have become weaker and more prone to hermie makes me think I'm an expert does it!
Bill asked me 3 times you and Oldfox chuck pollen you would think yous would at least have an opinion on the subject.
So now your chasing opinions ?
you must be schitzoid ,,your always bagging others opinions ,

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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So you didn't check ya plants for 3 weeks to notice the flap was open?
I check them every day( or at least every second day) during lights on, and can't see an incoming light leak with lights on. The only trigger to check for a potential issue was at 3 week stage, once hermies appeared.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Started off with a pretty good link if remember correctly 🤣
Until you're asked about specific light intensity of bumfucks. 🤣 Slippery slope from there. And equations for light reflections from the moon. Hang on, I'll just dust off my abacus.


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A mate gave me a couple of buds, he told me one threw late nannas(mac1xgdp) but the other strain was fine. I found a seed in the strain that was fine, so cross pollinated from the mac1xgdp 's late nannas. My first hermie seed to experiment with, obviously well isolated but I'm interested to see what happens 🤣


The Dwarf Hermie King
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A mate gave me a couple of buds, he told me one threw late nannas(mac1xgdp) but the other strain was fine. I found a seed in the strain that was fine, so cross pollinated from the mac1xgdp 's late nannas. My first hermie seed to experiment with, obviously well isolated but I'm interested to see what happens 🤣
View attachment 43419
I've got a mate that I've given about 60 seeds form hermies and he's grown em all and not had a hermie!


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I've got a mate that I've given about 60 seeds form hermies and he's grown em all and not had a hermie!
👍 This is what the original link I posted said, only the same chance as the parent generation...I'm interested but they're staying far from my other plants just in case 🤣
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I think I said before but I’ll mention again.

In the 80s we always LOOKED for hermies and the common view was they should be killed on-sight. We thought they only produced hermie seeds. Where this belief came from I don’t know.

I never saw a hermie and none of my friend ever grew one that I heard of. All outdoors except one I grew in a car pit.

Love to grow

Foot man
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A mate gave me a couple of buds, he told me one threw late nannas(mac1xgdp) but the other strain was fine. I found a seed in the strain that was fine, so cross pollinated from the mac1xgdp 's late nannas. My first hermie seed to experiment with, obviously well isolated but I'm interested to see what happens 🤣
View attachment 43419
Fkn send it mate hope ya don’t get yellow plant dicks😂🤣


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I think I said before but I’ll mention again.

In the 80s we always LOOKED for hermies and the common view was they should be killed on-sight. We thought they only produced hermie seeds. Where this belief came from I don’t know.

I never saw a hermie and none of my friend ever grew one that I heard of. All outdoors except one I grew in a car pit.
I learnt the same thing from the generation before me. I knew a lady once who grew 10 to 15 plants each year and would search her pot and never find more than 20 seed in all 10 to 20 lbs, she swore she only ever grew girls from these seeds and the process went on. I never found a seed in any of her pot....the perfect hermie? Definitely a project for extreme isolation.


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You blokes just wony give in will ya

There were no hermies until they were pointed out , this has happened to winter + summer grows

As I said b4 , ppl have noticed them but not said anything, also as shown a lot of new growers were looking at nannas and didn't even know what they were looking at

You should do a run with the seeds yourself b4 any are sent to others , 1 to check for hermies , 2 so you don't waste time growing something that's not up to par

Med at least you run some sort of selection process, this is non existent with 90% of give away seeds , maybe 99%

It's bad science having a point of view and only looking for evidence that backs your claims and disregarding anything else

Or maybe fox can fill us in with his selection process, surely you don't through pollen off something you haven't even smoked tested onto something you also haven't even smoked a bud from ?
I hear what you are saying here, but regarding seeds that I donate, I don’t test them, etc etc
If I did all that then I’d be wanting to sell them for my time and selective input.

I donate them free, if people don’t like them fine, don’t grow them again. Didn’t cost you much but a bit of time.

If I have to test my seeds before giving away free, quite simply I won’t bother, if I have to put in more effort than i already do, and grow again, months, just to please people who are getting the seeds free…hmm cmon 🙁🤷‍♂️

I think you have to accept that if you get free seeds then the quality isn’t guaranteed, compared to paying $$

My seeds are free, always will be, but I offer no warranties etc.,

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”



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I’ll dip my toe in the shark tank.
Background: I’d consider myself a beginner who’s being growing on and off for 44 years, all out doors bar one successful hydro closet grow.
In my humble opinion,
All females have the potential to herm. I’d imagine it’s in the genes, as not all plants do. When I got serious about 30 years ago, I started chucking some pollen very early in the flowering development for both seed and to convince my girls there’s boys about so they keep producing female flowers. Seemed to work? Never got a herm and found a few unicorns in my haphazard breeding program. I assume at some point the herm switch happens as the girls want to be knocked up (that’s genes not environmental) though it also makes sense environmental stresses will trigger.
To this day I’d guesstimate 60-70% of my females have seed from pollen chucking, some individuals can have up to 5+ males across them. Still 90+% seedless.I think it’s a little OCD on my behalf but I enjoy the process. Lower branches are fertilised and tagged. Choosing a male is a random affair of stem rubs, plant structure and colour so pretty subjective but mostly because it’s the only male available. I select females for several factors, mold resistance, potency and structure for - ease of manicure and prevention of 1st point. Only thing that strikes me is grandfather is important.
The last 6 years of cultivation in my current location, the only single herm I grew (there was a 2nd see below) was from some seed created by x’ing my male over a neighbours female, and then I only noticed the bananas after the cure and during smoking.
I’m pretty good at neglecting plants, stressing them and fucking up, and still no herms. The only thing I’ve noticed from this, is I trigger earlier flowering. I don’t even actively search for bananas.
So in my delusion I’m quite happy to believe my pollen chucking and knowledge of my seeds genetics is preventing herms 🫣. I’m a bit more wary on bought seed for their 1st grow.
MSNL still get through but currently at 33% success rate for me last 12 months compared to 100% from other companies. I’ve liked their seed and never had a herm but have moved on to new suppliers to supplement own stock. As I’ve started some Thai this year, I’ll be more wary.
If I give away seed, I call it random shit. I never say it’s this or that cause I have no control of the results. Fuck being a commercial seed producer.
Anyway that’s my pointless ramble, play the ball kids not the man.
Pic of something I’d never seen, male herming to female (from same batch of seed mentioned above) 🥸
image000000 8.jpg
Anyway I’ll keep scanning old threads, but am keen to start a pollen one.
Advanced upfront apologies for rambling, being off point and unintended offence served up 🤔


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Pic of something I’d never seen, male herming to female (from same batch of seed mentioned above) 🥸
View attachment 43727
Anyway I’ll keep scanning old threads, but am keen to start a pollen one.
Advanced upfront apologies for rambling, being off point and unintended offence served up 🤔

It’s not seen as much because males don’t normally survive long enough to herm. Does happen though.


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I wasn't going to jump into this one... but I've got some info I thought relevant to share. I apologise if this has been covered - I skimmed through most of the thread, but seemed most people were speaking from experience and arguing etc.

I mentioned this in another thread reviewing a book on Cannabis breeding. In the book, he author spends a fair bit of time discussing the complexity of gender in Cannabis. I'll summarise some of the key points

1. Gender expression within Cannabis is complicated - it being a result of both X Y chromosomes as well as the remaining chromosomes retaining the alleles for both reproductive parts and gametes.
2. Cannabis likely started as a monecious plant and evolved into more distinct dieceous populations. Some surviving monecious populations do survive, but are likely more a result of inbreeding and selective pressures rather than representing historic landraces.
3. Therefore 1+2 = gender of a plant is both a factor of genes as well as environment. The author goes on to say that seeds/seedlings have the potential to 'choose' gender up to a certain growth stage (I forget the exact, I think around 21 days). This is based on the sex chromosome, but stress such as interrupted photoperiod specifically are known to induce hermaphrodite expression.
4. Additionally, the author mentions a few notes from I think Dutch Passion, regarding conditions best suitable for starting seed and seedlings to encourage female gender expression.
5. The author says that even within a hermaphrodite population, it would be possible to select to breed a diecous line and that this should be considered for good strains known to retain the hermaphroditic tendency.

I hope I've done that justice in my paraphrasing. For those more invested in this argument, I'd point to the source text and see for yourself. This source is from 2005, so new info could supersede this.
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