THC Tincture

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Nice work that green dragon would be done. After day 1 your pretty well extracted everything from there on you'd just be breaking down plant matter
Ok, I might try a sample in a few days. I haven't heated it, just agitated vigorously and storing in dark at room temperature ( cool ATM).

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Ok, I might try a sample in a few days. I haven't heated it, just agitated vigorously and storing in dark at room temperature ( cool ATM).
You don't need to heat unless you want to reduce it to make it stronger or thicker like RSO have a couple drops and see what happens

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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If not not using heat in process you probably need to decarb to get full effects
Flower was decarbed before throwing it in the drink. Two recipes are available online. One advises to heat the mixture/jar in hot water, and it can be used straight after cooling and straining. The other recipe says to leave it in a cool spot, and agitate every day for about 4 weeks before use. I've got access to unlimited alcohol( in exchange for bud) so I'll eventually try both methods. Mate that made the alcohol has flavoured bottles he uses to make spirits, so he'll also experiment with adding different flavours.


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Flower was decarbed before throwing it in the drink. Two recipes are available online. One advises to heat the mixture/jar in hot water, and it can be used straight after cooling and straining. The other recipe says to leave it in a cool spot, and agitate every day for about 4 weeks before use. I've got access to unlimited alcohol( in exchange for bud) so I'll eventually try both methods. Mate that made the alcohol has flavoured bottles he uses to make spirits, so he'll also experiment with adding different flavours

The alcahol extracts the THC in about 2 minutes when I make ISO concentrates I do the first 'wash' for like 45 seconds
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Look up RuffHouse studios on you tube in my opinion it's one of the best how to channels out there for anything to do with weed


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When I made my last batch , from a mate's spirit distiller ran through 3 times , 5 or 10ml mixed with another drink cured anything from flu symptoms, actually most ailments LOL

Unfortunately he's moved to Queensland so I haven't made any since

I used the magic butter machine and its recipe

That was a couple yrs ago , haven't tried it with high alcohol vodka. Yet


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Anyone made THC tincture before ?? I have access to 95% proof alcohol, and looked at a few recipes online. But I'm more interested in info, from anyone who has actually made it. Some recipes mix 750ml alcohol to 1 ounce of flower(decarb) but it's reportedly an intro tolerance dosage. I'm thinking of a stronger brew of 500ml alcohol to 2 ounce of flower, but interested in some real world experiences/tips 😜. I'll be dosing it via mouth. Apparently dropper dosage is sufficient for effects. Seems too
hey,how are you? did you get the thc?


Aye Shroomer

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Finally made my batch.
Used the gorilla Zkittles from last season plus the few clones of them I ran over winter.

Decarbed and soaked for a week in the same 95% moonshine old fox has.

I was a bit messy with the filtering and bottling 😂

I’ll be trialling it out slowly at a time

Also keep some apart and infused botanicals like calendula and Californian poppy. I’ll leave that to steep and see the difference.



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I made some gummies a few weeks back using the magical butter recipe that uses tincture instead of coco butter. But we used 28g of flower and 28g of rosin chips in the tincture instead of the 7-28 g listed.
What I discovered was I need to start following instructions more. We used the butterfly molds from spotlight and half a gummy fucked me. My mate can eat a whole one but sits there looking like Steady Eddie for a couple hours. They have a much better effect and texture but unless you know someone with a still they can get expensive
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