Spider mites !!!!!


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As a side note, once I moved to all perlite grows I hadn't got any pests in my dungeon. Nowhere for them to settle in the substrate.
Before I used to get them all... Gnats and Mites. Having a good strong oscillating fan has helped me too.
How do your yields and plant/bud characteristics compare with coco grown?

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How do your yields and plant/bud characteristics compare with coco grown?
I've never grown a strain consistently enough to make a proper comparison. But I reckon its better. Don't need to worry about salt build up and plenty of oxygen getting to the roots. It's totally inert so don't need to worry about whst the medium does to it like with coco. What nutes go in is the only thing the plants get fed. Once you've got your pump and tote setup it's super easy. Tbh I don't know why more people give it a go.


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I've never grown a strain consistently enough to make a proper comparison. But I reckon its better. Don't need to worry about salt build up and plenty of oxygen getting to the roots. It's totally inert so don't need to worry about whst the medium does to it like with coco. What nutes go in is the only thing the plants get fed. Once you've got your pump and tote setup it's super easy. Tbh I don't know why more people give it a go.
Thanks for your account. Do you hand water perlite at any stage of the grow?

Im thinking of going pure perlite this round...
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