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Fuck so technical I thought soil was supposed to be easy but it's shit indoor and if you have to fuck around that much you might aswell go hydro and if your worried about chemicals it's the same shit your adding to the soil just in a perfect ratio or if your really worried use organic hydro nutes I'd just get some of the vegetable osmocote push your finger in the soil beside the plant and fill the hole full of the shit so it's like a osmocote carrot and water through it slowly every time.e you water thats all I do with soil and qhen growth starts to slow bang another carrot In thats how I grow in soil indoors


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Fuck so technical I thought soil was supposed to be easy but it's shit indoor and if you have to fuck around that much you might aswell go hydro and if your worried about chemicals it's the same shit your adding to the soil just in a perfect ratio or if your really worried use organic hydro nutes I'd just get some of the vegetable osmocote push your finger in the soil beside the plant and fill the hole full of the shit so it's like a osmocote carrot and water through it slowly every time.e you water thats all I do with soil and qhen growth starts to slow bang another carrot In thats how I grow in soil indoors
It was very easy for the first 15 grows!! 🤣


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What organic hydro nutes are you referring to exactly ?
Theres quite a few organic based nutes on the market now the bunnings one work good too I get there not certified organic but neither is 3/4 of the organic fertiliser either


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Fuck so technical I thought soil was supposed to be easy but it's shit indoor and if you have to fuck around that much you might aswell go hydro and if your worried about chemicals it's the same shit your adding to the soil just in a perfect ratio or if your really worried use organic hydro nutes I'd just get some of the vegetable osmocote push your finger in the soil beside the plant and fill the hole full of the shit so it's like a osmocote carrot and water through it slowly every time.e you water thats all I do with soil and qhen growth starts to slow bang another carrot In thats how I grow in soil indoors
We were just pointing out the visual deficiencies of his plants and having fun while doing it. Plants require all elements in balance to grow properly. The nutrients have to become plant available in soil, or just present in a hydroponic solution. Regardless if its the osmocote system U mentioned, a rich, biologically active soil or a cheapo potting mix... That fact remains. Don't you think plant/microbe and nutrient interactions are interesting? It fascinated me to the point of starting a soil company. Not many people to talk plant and soil nutrition with, thought this would be a good forum to spark that convo.


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We were just pointing out the visual deficiencies of his plants and having fun while doing it. Plants require all elements in balance to grow properly. The nutrients have to become plant available in soil, or just present in a hydroponic solution. Regardless if its the osmocote system U mentioned, a rich, biologically active soil or a cheapo potting mix... That fact remains. Don't you think plant/microbe and nutrient interactions are interesting? It fascinated me to the point of starting a soil company. Not many people to talk plant and soil nutrition with, thought this would be a good forum to spark that convo.
Yeah its interesting alright my main point was for some reason soil indoors is way harder than hydro I don't know why but the sun has alot of input here I've had plants that have been half dead in soil and chucked them outside and without changing anything they take off I've tried to figure it out because I love the flavour soil produces but for some reason more often than not (apart from guru's like yourself)most growers will struggle with soil inside I've had a go countless times and apart from my osmocote carrot trick it's all been average


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Yeah its interesting alright my main point was for some reason soil indoors is way harder than hydro I don't know why but the sun has alot of input here I've had plants that have been half dead in soil and chucked them outside and without changing anything they take off I've tried to figure it out because I love the flavour soil produces but for some reason more often than not (apart from guru's like yourself)most growers will struggle with soil inside I've had a go countless times and apart from my osmocote carrot trick it's all been average
Have a look through my gallery mate!!
All grown over 3 years in soil!!
I just took what I was doing outside in under lights. Was easy as fuck!
Then in March everything started fucking up! Not so easy to fix like hydro as you can see 4 months later they still alive but look like shit!
The lads reckon it my water so I'll try watering half with bottled spring water for a few weeks and see if anything improves.
I'll do some in perlite too and see what happens.
That's the thing about soil it's harder to fuck up but also harder to fix when something does fuck up!


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Yeah its interesting alright my main point was for some reason soil indoors is way harder than hydro I don't know why but the sun has alot of input here I've had plants that have been half dead in soil and chucked them outside and without changing anything they take off I've tried to figure it out because I love the flavour soil produces but for some reason more often than not (apart from guru's like yourself)most growers will struggle with soil inside I've had a go countless times and apart from my osmocote carrot trick it's all been average
Yeah I hear u... My lightbulb moment was mixing a Clackamas Coot soil mix with the best worm castings I could find, reading a few books on the subject, just watering and letting the plants do their thing. I exceeded my hydro grows by every factor. Yield, quality etc... And had time to live my life. I wasn't pHing, ECing, mixing nutrients, throwing away footballs, seeing deficiencies, and just enjoyed it so much. My friends had the same experience. But that's me personally... Would never go back to hydro. Not knocking it because I know people who use hydro methods can dial it in and do an amazing job. I personally love organics


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Have a look through my gallery mate!!
All grown over 3 years in soil!!
I just took what I was doing outside in under lights. Was easy as fuck!
Then in March everything started fucking up! Not so easy to fix like hydro as you can see 4 months later they still alive but look like shit!
The lads reckon it my water so I'll try watering half with bottled spring water for a few weeks and see if anything improves.
I'll do some in perlite too and see what happens.
That's the thing about soil it's harder to fuck up but also harder to fix when something does fuck up!
Yeah I dunno I can grow great outdoors too but when I tried bringing it in it just won't work put outside and they take off fuck knows I've done that much DWC past 20 years I've got it down pat I do alright in coco but DWC where I shine


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Yeah I hear u... My lightbulb moment was mixing a Clackamas Coot soil mix with the best worm castings I could find, reading a few books on the subject, just watering and letting the plants do their thing. I exceeded my hydro grows by every factor. Yield, quality etc... And had time to live my life. I wasn't pHing, ECing, mixing nutrients, throwing away footballs, seeing deficiencies, and just enjoyed it so much. My friends had the same experience. But that's me personally... Would never go back to hydro. Not knocking it because I know people who use hydro methods can dial it in and do an amazing job. I personally love organics
Yeah its what your interested in that helps DWC is my go to so I concentrate on that maybe I should play around more but electricity is to expensive for me to justify failing


Sultan Of Soil
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if the problem seems universal than i think you can rule out soils as they are different
look at the universal points , water , environment etc

are you using LED"s porky ? they can be a different beast to HID's
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Yeah I hear u... My lightbulb moment was mixing a Clackamas Coot soil mix with the best worm castings I could find, reading a few books on the subject, just watering and letting the plants do their thing. I exceeded my hydro grows by every factor. Yield, quality etc... And had time to live my life. I wasn't pHing, ECing, mixing nutrients, throwing away footballs, seeing deficiencies, and just enjoyed it so much. My friends had the same experience. But that's me personally... Would never go back to hydro. Not knocking it because I know people who use hydro methods can dial it in and do an amazing job. I personally love organics
Hey mate I think it was you can you put a link to your soil that you sell. Gunna try soil next grow now the misses has a worm farm.


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I see nobody has suggested lowering the ph down to below 6.5
the nutrients are more readily available at that lower end of the scale
I was going to suggest that also HGO, but 6-6.5, I would swing range the ph water.
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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So 3 test setups.
Perlite 1 watered with my tap water 1 with bottled spring water.
Soil one tray with 2 soils watered with my tap water the other tray 2 soils watered with my bottled spring water!!
See what happens!!20220720_174518.jpg


The Dwarf Hermie King
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These were the 2 taken from soil to perlite. Roots were in very good condition and were nice and white. Not as much of them as there probably should of been for 2.5 week old plants but they were healthy which I was not expecting.20220720_145924.jpg20220720_145433.jpg
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