Soil gurus

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Sultan Of Soil
User ID
ahh right , sorry i misunderstood
well if you grow more sativa / hybrid based strains you generally get more stretch in flower so you can flip earlier & still get a decent return , i'm sure i'm not telling something you don't already know
i was going to suggest looking at the small greensmat pots which are wicking planters , you could probably fit 2 plants per pot with a short veg time but not sure how much space you have , the big versions were 40lt not sure how much the small ones hold , just had a look & there website seems to sell nothing so scratch that


Community Member
User ID
ahh right , sorry i misunderstood
well if you grow more sativa / hybrid based strains you generally get more stretch in flower so you can flip earlier & still get a decent return , i'm sure i'm not telling something you don't already know
i was going to suggest looking at the small greensmat pots which are wicking planters , you could probably fit 2 plants per pot with a short veg time but not sure how much space you have , the big versions were 40lt not sure how much the small ones hold , just had a look & there website seems to sell nothing so scratch that
Thanks mate, this run will also be a pheno hunt. From comp seeds and what I picked up in Europe
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