So... what you all thinking now then lol

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The man your mother warned you about.
Staff member
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30 ,,40 50 or 60 years is like yesterday

Once a cop always a cop.

So they were best people you had the privilege of working with ??!
so your still a cop lover.

you don’t belong here.


User ID
30 ,,40 50 or 60 years is like yesterday

Once a cop always a cop.

So they were best people you had the privilege of working with ??!
so your still a cop lover.

you don’t belong here.
My old Sergeant said to me Once a Druggy always a Druggy and I thought Nup and stayed with my heroin addicted then boyfriend who became my husband and with the conflict of interest with my job and he was always in trouble I eventually chose him over the cops believing he would get off the heroin. He didn't, the methadone program he loved but eventually it killed him.

You are right, I don't belong here but not because of my life experience and jobs but because of the lack of trust and respect and understanding from the leadership here which in turn sways the herd which generally is about 75% of a group.

Take care all and God bless people

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Maybe the "leadership" could give everytnuc a questioner before they allow them to join

Find out what jobs they have had in the past
see is they are police likers, haters or don't care
check their religious status
political affiliations
do they grow pot or not
can they grow pot
are they fucking auto growers
do they prefer capitalisms over socialism or vice versa
how tall are they, might need a minimum height

And most important of all, are they "man made climate change" believers, and think Co2 is a poison

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
I'll go first

real ones, not government payed ones
generally hate the stnuc
not applicable
same as above
no fucking way
capitalism all the way
tall enough

only brain dead retards believe the man made warming shit


Resident Celebrity
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Army in the 70's, coppers in the 80's
The 80's were a crazy time though, we had clagg glue and breadsticks at the canteen, the juice boxes were off the wall and the recess bullrush games were mental.

Not everyone looks back at that decade with glee but the breadsticks were good.

Maybe the "leadership" could give everytnuc a questioner before they allow them to join


are they fucking auto growers
I don't know much about autos but this auto/pheno rivalry cracks me up 🤣

afghan bob

Community Member
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Actually only use LED 2 germ and veg with up 2 about 5 wks

But i do use a bit of co-co in frankenstein mix i make up

Guilty as charged 4 ferking around with autos but.

Have seen the light though, starting 2 fossic with photos......[gimme some oxygen back]
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