So... what you all thinking now then lol


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Thought I would post a thread to see if there was any shell shock now Ive been outed as an ex copper ...from back in the 1980's mind! lol give me a break!
Army in the 70's, coppers in the 80's and a lot of jobs!

anyway...have a say or a go or what ever.

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I think it's kinda cool. I've got some seeds that were produced by an ex cop! Lol.
And it's Friday arvo, need a beer


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No problems at all with me. I respect the armed forces and police just like I do anyone else, there are pricks at every job. I’m interested in all the other jobs you have done.


User ID
No problems at all with me. I respect the armed forces and police just like I do anyone else, there are pricks at every job. I’m interested in all the other jobs you have done.
just limped from one job to the other until I couldn't limp no more..
ok well I've worked as radio operator, docker and grader timber mill, cleaner, cook, bar work, side show alley, secretariat at various associations livestock and trucking and healthcare, call centre work, admin etc etc etc
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Michael J Foxtail

The botrytis bin possum
User ID
Thought I would post a thread to see if there was any shell shock now Ive been outed as an ex copper ...from back in the 1980's mind! lol give me a break!
Army in the 70's, coppers in the 80's and a lot of jobs!

anyway...have a say or a go or what ever.
What was your motivation to become one at the time Sugar?


User ID
What was your motivation to become one at the time Sugar?
well I was only 18 years old when I first joined the federal coppers doing protective service work and joined the state coppers in the 80's

My dad had been locked up for embezzlement when I was 9 and eldest of 3 girls and was a major shame on family because he did a runner too until he turned himself in a year later. Mum and us kids didn't know what had happened and we had cops suspecting mum of covering up etc but us as a family were left struggling so I guess that might have had something to do with trying to clear the family name.

You've got me thinking...I'd also been sexually assaulted by a builder age 9 too and it was after that when Dad went off the rails.

So no clear reason why, just how things have worked out :)
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The Vietnam war had just finished, lots of protests at the time re nuclear energy mainly so that was the state of affairs when I joined.

Also I followed the herd, eg the world mindset and I joined with a mate. She got recruited to Canberra while I got recruited to Sydney for training so yes, like a lemming I followed the social set I was in.

There were 3 changes of govt within 3 years back then which required changes to stationary, uniforms etc because we went from being called Australian Police to Commonwealth Police (Compol) to the final name change which has stayed the same, Australian Federal Police (AFP)

Very unsettled times also there was the Hilton Hotel bombing and lots of stuff happening at Woomera and Lucas Heights and various other govt installations and embassys etc

Think we've opened a floodgate of unspoken before memories.
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Aye Shroomer

User ID
Hey that’s all good. You clearly aren’t worried about legal implications now days. Seeing as you’ve posted videos of actual plants and sent seeds out to people. I thinks it’s a good sign that even people who used to work in authority have changed with the times and see cannabis as a helpful drug and not the demon it was made to be.
Good on you for sharing.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Cops couldn't give two fucks what your growing, unless someone reports ya, then they got to do their job

Have only met one copper that wasn't a criminal, he was a good bloke

Aye Shroomer

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I’ll move the replies away from the music thread. So that stays on topic.
I really enjoyed the reserves but once my second kid was on the way I quit. It was getting harder to commit to the days that army wanted me to give them.


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I’ll move the replies away from the music thread. So that stays on topic.
I really enjoyed the reserves but once my second kid was on the way I quit. It was getting harder to commit to the days that army wanted me to give them.
What was the basic training like nowadays?
Back in the '70s it was 2 weeks at Ingleburn Barracks and most memorable for me was doing the camouflage training and crawling through various stuff blindfolded and having to put together an SLR and take it apart all blindfolded


User ID
Hey that’s all good. You clearly aren’t worried about legal implications now days. Seeing as you’ve posted videos of actual plants and sent seeds out to people. I thinks it’s a good sign that even people who used to work in authority have changed with the times and see cannabis as a helpful drug and not the demon it was made to be.
Good on you for sharing.
I am worried about legal implications though as I am still outside the confines of the law because we can't even give seeds to people let alone sell or import etc.
My thinking rightly or wrongly is it is better to make own seeds and to give freely rather than import from covid ridden countries.


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You should start a seed bank sugar, call it SSS

sweet sugar seeds
lol Love the name :D but too much hard work and not where I want to go in life Gaz...I go where I think the Spirit leads me and who knows what's in store along this journey.

Aye Shroomer

User ID
Yeah basic training was four weeks at kapooka. Same as full time but condensed. I did it in winter. Freezing fucking cold on the drill square. I ending up marching out with most outstanding solider award.


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Yeah basic training was four weeks at kapooka. Same as full time but condensed. I did it in winter. Freezing fucking cold on the drill square. I ending up marching out with most outstanding solider award.
Congratulations Ayey! Great achievement and thanks for the reminder about freezing tits off during morning drills...that was at Goulburn Police Academy when I did training in winter....It was snowing!! cruel
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