Smart Meters, Are my growing days with lights over ?


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G`Day SAW, The Smart Meter they want to fit to my house comes with an "Indoor Monitor". With this Meter it is recommended to NOT sleep within 2 room widths , our Power Meter ,where this Meter is to be located, is about 1.5 metres from my head !! About tweeking the prices, read about what happened in the U.K when they introduced Smart Meters there. Most people thought that their electricity bills were higher, some thought by a little bit some thought by a lot. And of course there is much more to this story...........Possum.

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Hey, Porky, About being Paranoid and giving the growing a miss. I started growing way way back in 1969, and i have grown in just about every situation you can think of. I have lost count of how many plants i have grown in that time, and i have never been busted, not once. Nah mate, just being careful. And being careful has kept me in good stead all my days..........Possum.


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G`Day , Billygoat. Nah i don`t do Reddit, and i certainly understand what a "Smart" Home is. I see a few people here don`t seem to be particularly concerned about these Meters. But, from the information i was reading there is a lot more to these Meters than meets the eye. Paranoid ? Hardly. If some of the nay sayers were to have a look for themselves, maybe their opinions may differ ? ...........Possum.
There’s a lot out there possum, so feel free to share your research?


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I agree about the distance from them, especially sleeping. I spend the bare minimum in my toilet


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G`Day , Billygoat. Nah i don`t do Reddit, and i certainly understand what a "Smart" Home is. I see a few people here don`t seem to be particularly concerned about these Meters. But, from the information i was reading there is a lot more to these Meters than meets the eye. Paranoid ? Hardly. If some of the nay sayers were to have a look for themselves, maybe their opinions may differ ? ...........Possum.
I recall when smart meters were first being rolled out a few years ago - a lot of people were uneasy about them. I've had them at all my places I've lived at over the past decade, never had a problem. I'm all for a bit of paranoia and skepticism of new tech, but haven't seen these turn into the boogie man people suggested.

I could be wrong, but feels like the fear of these is akin to 5G towers, vaccines and the like. Sure, there are issues, but not the ones people focus on. I'd say there are bigger more important issues regarding surveillance and privacy which aren't addressed at all

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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G`Day , Billygoat. Nah i don`t do Reddit, and i certainly understand what a "Smart" Home is. I see a few people here don`t seem to be particularly concerned about these Meters. But, from the information i was reading there is a lot more to these Meters than meets the eye. Paranoid ? Hardly. If some of the nay sayers were to have a look for themselves, maybe their opinions may differ ? ...........Possum.
My smart meter cant tell exactly which appliance is drawing power. Could be air conditioning, pool, crypto mining, welder, etc, all of which draw as much if not more power than the average home grow.
What makes you think a smart meter can tell/measure that you're specifically running cannabis grow lights?


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Hi, All. I would like to be able to quote everything about Smart Meters that i have recently read to you verbatim, but that would be impossible , also i am a very basic computer user,so am a little restricted. Anyway, apparently each appliance has it`s own signature, ( my word not theirs ) the way it uses the electricity, something like that. You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said. OldFox, can you tell me how you know your Smart Meter Can`t tell what appliance is using the Power ? In Q.L.D recently a local power provider turned down Airconditioners in a suburb or two trying to avert a power blackout. This was achieved by manipulating their Smart Meters ! So what else are they able to do ? .....It would appear that most here have had no issues , re; being busted, so i will continue growing and see what happens.............Possum.


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Hi, All. I would like to be able to quote everything about Smart Meters that i have recently read to you verbatim, but that would be impossible , also i am a very basic computer user,so am a little restricted.
Some links to this information would go a long way to backing up your claims.

Anyway, apparently each appliance has it`s own signature, ( my word not theirs ) the way it uses the electricity, something like that. You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said.
Again, some proof of these claims. Who are "they"? Please explain how this is achieved. Are the Chinese manufacturers of your household appliances spending extra money/materials to place ID chips in your $10 kettle so it can be tracked/controlled? I sincerely doubt it 🤔.

OldFox, can you tell me how you know your Smart Meter Can`t tell what appliance is using the Power ?
Logic would suggest they cannot. You are the one making unsupported claims here, the onus is on YOU supply evidence that they are!

In Q.L.D recently a local power provider turned down Airconditioners in a suburb or two trying to avert a power blackout. This was achieved by manipulating their Smart Meters ! So what else are they able to do ?
Yes they did, but ONLY if you opted in to their program (which many did for financial gain).

Energex and Ergon can remotely turn down air conditioners ONLY if people have signed up to the PeakSmart program and have a small device installed on their unit in return for a cash rebate of up to $400. I'll cop out of an actual explanation of how the technology works by saying "You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said."

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Hi, All. I would like to be able to quote everything about Smart Meters that i have recently read to you verbatim, but that would be impossible , also i am a very basic computer user,so am a little restricted. Anyway, apparently each appliance has it`s own signature, ( my word not theirs ) the way it uses the electricity, something like that. You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said. OldFox, can you tell me how you know your Smart Meter Can`t tell what appliance is using the Power ? In Q.L.D recently a local power provider turned down Airconditioners in a suburb or two trying to avert a power blackout. This was achieved by manipulating their Smart Meters ! So what else are they able to do ? .....It would appear that most here have had no issues , re; being busted, so i will continue growing and see what happens.............Possum.
Because I also read an article about tricking the Smart Meters. Apparently if you put a small tin foil hat on top of every wall plug, it disables the "flux capacitor" used by the meter, to alert the power company that an LED grow light is drawing power from the grid. This only works if you put a pyramid over your grow space, then hold your tongue to the left side of your mouth, spin around 3 times, and chant demonic verses( backwards) while throwing salt over your right shoulder. Works every time. Now the power companies send me money 💰 every quarter.


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Even if it were possible to determine a "signature" for LED lights, most houses are full of LED lights these days. I think every fixture and bulb in my house is LED, except the heat bulb in the bathroom. Grow fans are just expensive house fans, grow dehumidifier is just a small household dehum, and so on.

Can you imagine the massive computing power and data storage required to monitor every household's use of appliances!!! THEY probably have a Deep State Home Appliance Monitoring Station on the flip side of the Flat Earth....


The Dwarf Hermie King
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G`Day , Billygoat. Nah i don`t do Reddit, and i certainly understand what a "Smart" Home is. I see a few people here don`t seem to be particularly concerned about these Meters. But, from the information i was reading there is a lot more to these Meters than meets the eye. Paranoid ? Hardly. If some of the nay sayers were to have a look for themselves, maybe their opinions may differ ? ...........Possum.
Well I've had a smart meter on my home since I had me solar installed 3 years ago and have been growing constantly over that period. Lights on in summer at night day time in winter and I've got more chance of getting busted importing seeds than by a fucking power company through my meter. They are only called smart meters because they do more than the old ones that measure usage only.
They can not monitor individual power points and who ever told ya they can is lying or just fucking stupid. You seem like a DC for believing such garbage!! 🤣


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Some links to this information would go a long way to backing up your claims.

Again, some proof of these claims. Who are "they"? Please explain how this is achieved. Are the Chinese manufacturers of your household appliances spending extra money/materials to place ID chips in your $10 kettle so it can be tracked/controlled? I sincerely doubt it 🤔.

Logic would suggest they cannot. You are the one making unsupported claims here, the onus is on YOU supply evidence that they are!

Yes they did, but ONLY if you opted in to their program (which many did for financial gain).

Energex and Ergon can remotely turn down air conditioners ONLY if people have signed up to the PeakSmart program and have a small device installed on their unit in return for a cash rebate of up to $400. I'll cop out of an actual explanation of how the technology works by saying "You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said."
It's just fucking rubbish mate. He's a DC! 🤣


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I have recently been notified by my power distribution company that they want to install a "Smart Meter" on my house . This can come with a number of problems. After doing a bit of research on these meters i find that they can monitor your household electrical appliances, such as kettles, fans, stoves, hot water, lights , televisions, and every other electrical gadget we use. So, it wouldn`t take much imagination for these people to figure out that i am using led grow lights ! Do i have any options here ? I can refuse to have it fitted to my house, BUT, if they are determined they will have it fitted , it don`t matter what i say. So, have any of you blokes come across these bloody meters ? And what did you do about it ? ............... Possum.
Mate I went through it last year. But I'd been being cheeky and had a hole drilled in the meter and was sticking the meter. Paranoia went into overdrive I bored up the hole and painted it and threw a shitload of dust out of the vacume up on top to camouflage the shiny meter. My growroom is on the side of the house the meter is on. And when they shut it down I could start to smell it ( might have been the Paranoia) so I started my old V8 falcon up in the garage and pretended to work on it and all you could smell then was fumes 😆
They can only read the power being used not what appliance is using it . There's multiple points o each circuit it can't tell if you have a led in one TV in the other or charging your Head job machine in another


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I have recently been notified by my power distribution company that they want to install a "Smart Meter" on my house . This can come with a number of problems. After doing a bit of research on these meters i find that they can monitor your household electrical appliances, such as kettles, fans, stoves, hot water, lights , televisions, and every other electrical gadget we use. So, it wouldn`t take much imagination for these people to figure out that i am using led grow lights ! Do i have any options here ? I can refuse to have it fitted to my house, BUT, if they are determined they will have it fitted , it don`t matter what i say. So, have any of you blokes come across these bloody meters ? And what did you do about it ? ............... Possum.
They aren’t that smart. They can take an educated guess at what some loads are like say an electric hot water or oven based on the amount of watts being pulled and the duration but the appliances aren’t talking to the meter. The meter can’t tell a 3000w bar heater from 3 x 1000w hid lights.


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Hi, All. I would like to be able to quote everything about Smart Meters that i have recently read to you verbatim, but that would be impossible , also i am a very basic computer user,so am a little restricted. Anyway, apparently each appliance has it`s own signature, ( my word not theirs ) the way it uses the electricity, something like that. You would have to research it yourself to fully understand what is being said. OldFox, can you tell me how you know your Smart Meter Can`t tell what appliance is using the Power ? In Q.L.D recently a local power provider turned down Airconditioners in a suburb or two trying to avert a power blackout. This was achieved by manipulating their Smart Meters ! So what else are they able to do ? .....It would appear that most here have had no issues , re; being busted, so i will continue growing and see what happens.............Possum.
For the power company to be able to “turn down” or “turn off” appliance via the meter the circuit has to be wired as such with a sense wire. In many places it’s a requirement for new installations of appliances like air conditioners and electric hot water to have these systems for exactly the reasons stated. As Indy said for qld it’s an opt in program anyway

It’s similar to how old hot water systems could be turned on and off by the power company sending a pulse down the line, now it’s done via the smart meter using a SIM card and computer.


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For the power company to be able to “turn down” or “turn off” appliance via the meter the circuit has to be wired as such with a sense wire. In many places it’s a requirement for new installations of appliances like air conditioners and electric hot water to have these systems for exactly the reasons stated. As Indy said for qld it’s an opt in program anyway

It’s similar to how old hot water systems could be turned on and off by the power company sending a pulse down the line, now it’s done via the smart meter using a SIM card and computer.
My aircon was like that it had a receiver in it. They could turn it down on extream peak usage which would usually mean a scorching hot day. So you have this aircon installed for said days but then it gets turned down so it doesn't work anyway. It used to display a D2 code . I pulled the panel off the side and they have a box in there that is connected like a phone line just pull that out and they can't talk to it. I have a similar thing on my hot water it's so if you have a blackout for extended time the whole suburb's water heater don't turn on all at once they can stagger them


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Hey, fellas. Well we seem to have quite a number of differing opinions on what a Smart Meter can and cannot do. With any sort of luck we might actually come to some sort of agreement here...........Question. How do Smart Meters know what appliances you are using ?......Answer. ...The device uses "Triple Ohm Technology..It can be /is imbedded in the Meter, and works by monitoring changes in the high frequency current or Voltage Harmonics caused when specific appliances are being used within a building, and doesn`t require any additional switches or add-ons. It can differentiate between the characteristic traces of specific appliance types using an Algorithm, and display the results in real time.....Feel free to do some research. Also, I don`t know how to do Links. Hey Porky, what is a DC.............Possum.

Sun Ra

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Hey, fellas. Well we seem to have quite a number of differing opinions on what a Smart Meter can and cannot do. With any sort of luck we might actually come to some sort of agreement here...........Question. How do Smart Meters know what appliances you are using ?......Answer. ...The device uses "Triple Ohm Technology..It can be /is imbedded in the Meter, and works by monitoring changes in the high frequency current or Voltage Harmonics caused when specific appliances are being used within a building, and doesn`t require any additional switches or add-ons. It can differentiate between the characteristic traces of specific appliance types using an Algorithm, and display the results in real time.....Feel free to do some research. Also, I don`t know how to do Links. Hey Porky, what is a DC.............Possum.
DC = Dumb cunt mate.
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