Sam the skunkman passes away.

Sun Ra

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Apparently he was an informant. Some say he created skunk but history tends to rewrite itself. The story goes something like this (I think) basically got busted for growing in America, and took a bunch of different seeds over to Amsterdam and then made skunk.

So many differing opinions on him so it's hard to believe anything that people say
Thanks for that. Thought it was this guy who "passed away" recently in Melbs.


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Love to grow

Foot man
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Sun Ra

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The punisher won’t be dishing out much punishment now dangerous game they play over the old chop chop👍
Yep. He pissed off too many. Cops will have a hard time solving this one. A shitload of enemies to look through.

Still, you have to give it to him - he survived seven previous attempts on his life only to eat lead on the eighth one.

Seems he was no cat.

Love to grow

Foot man
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Yep. He pissed off too many. Cops will have a hard time solving this one. A shitload of enemies to look through.

Still, you have to give it to him - he survived seven previous attempts on his life only to eat lead on the eighth one.

Seems he was no cat.
Oh yea hard as a cats head for sure someone sold him out for the 2 mil only in the country for 24hrs.

Sun Ra

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Oh yea hard as a cats head for sure someone sold him out for the 2 mil only in the country for 24hrs.
Fly In / Fly Out hitmen have been a thing for quite a while now.

I also remember this one from a while back - bloke was busted out of immigration detention to do a hit on the Gold Coast then was recaptured 9 days later and he promptly signed the papers to go back to Albania. He was "removed" asap so he got away with it and got a free ticket and escort home. Wouldn't surprise me if he's back by now on a Greek passport which is the SA Albanian mafia go to method.

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