Sales, Discounts and Cheap Shit I've seen online 🤑

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Goonie Goat

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They do drift, but it'd be good to compare if the 5.2ph is actually 5.2 if you know what I mean. I can recalibrate the shift, but is the x.x pH actually X.x pH is my concern.
The beer is good, but it's those specifics that intrigue me
Yep, I didn't trust them that's why I bought 4, 2 of them are the ones you manually calibrate with the screwdriver, even they are okay but I like the automatic ones better


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greenpoint have a Memorial Day 50% sale with the code hot50 - not as good as some of their reverse auction pricing

saying that I’ve not bought any from there but seen their name mentioned on TSE a few times


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MNSL got up 2 50 % off on everything code word "superbowl"
Also depending how u pay another 15% on top of that
Only around 8 days 2 Aus with excellent camo techniques
How long since you got any in bob? I lost last couple from them about 3 years back so haven't tried again. Love to get my hands on a couple of there strains I used to grow


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What's your impression of their genetics Afgan bob? Are you getting what they are claiming do you think?
I used to use them all the time they were my go to untill I started loosing orders. Pineapple kush, THC snow , and their Blue Dream were very good


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I bought some seeds off Greenpoint during that sale.

Purchased May 28. I selected the cheapest "No rush" postage option. Only $10.

Arrived in my mailbox today.

I am located in Brisbane, it came through Sydney, full tracked. Zero stealth.
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