Safe way of getting seeds?

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Anybody know a safe way of acquiring seeds? Obviously having a mate that doesn't care about letting you use his mail box is handy but if not?....
I've heard about PO boxes being used. Is this possible? Any other ideas?

If you're looking to just try different strains to see what you like, then find someone who grows and ask if they'll let you have a clone or two from a successful plant. It'll probably be the least expensive way to get new strains. If you're looking to grow a lot of seeds for cheap, then grow in your attic. It's very easy to hide that you're growing. If the heat stays on during the night, you will never have to worry about your neighbors figuring it out. You can use a small fan to blow the odor away from your house, and if you're really concerned about the odor, then put some carbon-filtered fans in the attic. If you're concerned about light showing through your roof, you can always wait to do your lights until after dark. Also, if you have any skylights in your house, they'll probably never realize what's happening. Using a light timer will help even more.
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