Rosin press


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Hey bud how's the pressing coming along?
Have you been able to get the hang of things easily enough?

I just bought myself an automatic honeycomb press 2 days ago. Before this I hadn't even smoked rosin.
The first few runs were a bit average but I think I got the bag and parchment paper folding all figured out so my rosin flows out the front and I'm not leaving heaps of product in the bag after pressing.

To be honest with ya I'm havin more trouble working out how to correctly smoke the shit 🤣
Wtf is all this hot start business hahaha20221216_012022.jpg20221216_011805.jpg

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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Hey bud how's the pressing coming along?
Have you been able to get the hang of things easily enough?

I just bought myself an automatic honeycomb press 2 days ago. Before this I hadn't even smoked rosin.
The first few runs were a bit average but I think I got the bag and parchment paper folding all figured out so my rosin flows out the front and I'm not leaving heaps of product in the bag after pressing.

To be honest with ya I'm havin more trouble working out how to correctly smoke the shit 🤣
Wtf is all this hot start business hahahaView attachment 28534View attachment 28535
Does it burn ok if you just dab some on top of a cone of flower, using a regular bong? Or dab on a cigarette, like oil? Or hot knives? Lol


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Does it burn ok if you just dab some on top of a cone of flower, using a regular bong? Or dab on a cigarette, like oil? Or hot knives? Lol
my friend presses it and then adds it to joints so it definitely burns but i think he said that with cones it can block them up

ive had joints with it and its definitely a extra kick

the best way is with a dab bong the special ones for it


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Aren't the kids dabbing this shit they source, referred to as shatter or wax?

Be interested to learn how it's made.


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Aren't the kids dabbing this shit they source, referred to as shatter or wax?

Be interested to learn how it's made.
Shatter or wax is usually made from a butane extraction. The more high tech American companies make it from super critical C02 (whatever the fuck that is) from my experiance so far my rosin tastes much nicer and is smoother but the Butane extraction is far more potant.


User ID
Hey bud how's the pressing coming along?
Have you been able to get the hang of things easily enough?

I just bought myself an automatic honeycomb press 2 days ago. Before this I hadn't even smoked rosin.
The first few runs were a bit average but I think I got the bag and parchment paper folding all figured out so my rosin flows out the front and I'm not leaving heaps of product in the bag after pressing.

To be honest with ya I'm havin more trouble working out how to correctly smoke the shit 🤣
Wtf is all this hot start business hahahaView attachment 28534
It's going ok just waiting till I get through the carts I made from the last pressings I done. Still got some refining to do though


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Does it burn ok if you just dab some on top of a cone of flower, using a regular bong? Or dab on a cigarette, like oil? Or hot knives? Lol
Hot knives sound like a fukn awesome idea.

Then I can stab myself as well as burn myself 🤣🤣

I dunno mate it's just a real pain in the arse and I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to sticky shit on my hands at the best of times so this is just shithouse

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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Hot knives sound like a fukn awesome idea.

Then I can stab myself as well as burn myself 🤣🤣

I dunno mate it's just a real pain in the arse and I'm a bit of a bitch when it comes to sticky shit on my hands at the best of times so this is just shithouse
Lol. Fair enough. Hot knives was a common (?) method for some of us smoking hash during the 80" - 90s. There's better methods nowadays, but the nostalgia is strong...... same with bucket bongs....🤣


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@Yamumzbum check this video out. seems to be the way to go if you're up for some more investment (y)

I've never smoked any rosin, I was just interested and went looking for some info. This guy is funny as, well made video too.



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Does butane make more potent extractions than pressing?
please explain.😩
You're not alone, mate. I would've thought it'd come down to the purity levels of the two methods. Which in this case, it doesn't get much purer than a Rosin Press. I'm probably overlooking something..


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I've got a press something like the one pictured above. I've been pressing using the same dried & cured flower that you vape or smoke. I've been consuming it using two devices. A Puffco Peak Pro at home or Puffco Plus when I'm out. The Puffco's are expensive, but there are less expensive brands out there. I happen to like digital vapes, but you could also use a torch and a dab bucket in a bong (much cheaper!). Just personal preference there.

I also hadn't really tried concentrates like this prior to jumping in head first with a press and dab rig. It definitely gets you high fast. My "I can smoke anything and still function" mate didn't heed my warnings. He was asleep at 8pm on the couch cuddling with my dogs that first night :ROFLMAO: . Use with some caution or you might build up an expensive tolerance!

I think this might be the purest way to enjoy cannabis's goodness. Nothing whatsoever in the rosin, just the sticky resin collected on wax paper. You can really smell and taste your buds in the concentrated form. It's fun making rosin cocktails, my name for pressing different strains together. Right now I have some Strawberry Cough + Orange Hill Special, house smells like a fruit farm when I dab up. I contemplated BHO, but the potential for fire-go-BOOM made me nervous.


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I've got a press something like the one pictured above. I've been pressing using the same dried & cured flower that you vape or smoke. I've been consuming it using two devices. A Puffco Peak Pro at home or Puffco Plus when I'm out. The Puffco's are expensive, but there are less expensive brands out there. I happen to like digital vapes, but you could also use a torch and a dab bucket in a bong (much cheaper!). Just personal preference there.

I also hadn't really tried concentrates like this prior to jumping in head first with a press and dab rig. It definitely gets you high fast. My "I can smoke anything and still function" mate didn't heed my warnings. He was asleep at 8pm on the couch cuddling with my dogs that first night :ROFLMAO: . Use with some caution or you might build up an expensive tolerance!

I think this might be the purest way to enjoy cannabis's goodness. Nothing whatsoever in the rosin, just the sticky resin collected on wax paper. You can really smell and taste your buds in the concentrated form. It's fun making rosin cocktails, my name for pressing different strains together. Right now I have some Strawberry Cough + Orange Hill Special, house smells like a fruit farm when I dab up. I contemplated BHO, but the potential for fire-go-BOOM made me nervous.
likewise so temting

my firend does it and ive tried but yeah im most worried about the tolerance plus the whole look of the scene with the special bong. i mean this isnt your average juice bottel with the gardem hose!


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Fuck it, going to get a cheap arse $30 hair straightener, vice grips, and baking paper and see if it's worthwhile.

If it does prove to be worthwhile. I'll probably make up my own using this with a bottle jack in the new year.


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Lol. Fair enough. Hot knives was a common (?) method for some of us smoking hash during the 80" - 90s. There's better methods nowadays, but the nostalgia is strong...... same with bucket bongs....🤣
I dunno what the fuck I was thinking tbh mate my impulses often lead me down this track.

Now I got a brand new rosin press that I dunno what to do with except find a buyer but I can't post the bloody thing it weighs about the same as Casey Donavan.

If I wasn't blind I'm sure things would have gone a lot smoother with less burnt limbs,, I'm absolutely positive lol

Like Indy said bongs are so much easier and I kinda feel like a crackhead forever heating this fucking bowl up 🤣


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Does it burn ok if you just dab some on top of a cone of flower, using a regular bong? Or dab on a cigarette, like oil? Or hot knives? Lol
I did try this method and y'know what happened?? Me bloody cone got stuck to the rosin!!
So then I had rosin and bud stuck on me little spoon thing for fucks sake 🤣🤣


User ID
I've got a press something like the one pictured above. I've been pressing using the same dried & cured flower that you vape or smoke. I've been consuming it using two devices. A Puffco Peak Pro at home or Puffco Plus when I'm out. The Puffco's are expensive, but there are less expensive brands out there. I happen to like digital vapes, but you could also use a torch and a dab bucket in a bong (much cheaper!). Just personal preference there.

I also hadn't really tried concentrates like this prior to jumping in head first with a press and dab rig. It definitely gets you high fast. My "I can smoke anything and still function" mate didn't heed my warnings. He was asleep at 8pm on the couch cuddling with my dogs that first night :ROFLMAO: . Use with some caution or you might build up an expensive tolerance!

I think this might be the purest way to enjoy cannabis's goodness. Nothing whatsoever in the rosin, just the sticky resin collected on wax paper. You can really smell and taste your buds in the concentrated form. It's fun making rosin cocktails, my name for pressing different strains together. Right now I have some Strawberry Cough + Orange Hill Special, house smells like a fruit farm when I dab up. I contemplated BHO, but the potential for fire-go-BOOM made me nervous.
I'm slowly working out this whole dabbing thing and yeh it definitely gets you high, break out in a sweat high.. or maybe that's just the coughing doing that but it's very how should I say,, suave.

I think perhaps it's more suitable for the gentler gentleman who likes to sit down in his study & burn a bowl on a sunday afternoon.

I'm the type who has two cones while thinking about having two cones.. and then has two more.
I'm starting to think it's not quite suitable for a bong hog such as myself.

I watched this bloke on YouTube dressed in this damn fine looking suit open his fucking briefcase and starts assembling this glass dabber piece by piece kinda like an assassin puts together their murder weapon with a smug look on his face and says "I just bought this earlier today it cost me just shy of $1200" !!

And then he goes on about his mates who paid thousands for their glass dabbers! I couldn't believe my ears so I googled that shit and low and behold there's fucking bongs for thousands and thousands of dollars!


I love smoking bongs but that's next level.

I'd rather buy a dirt bike and a kebab


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likewise so temting

my firend does it and ive tried but yeah im most worried about the tolerance plus the whole look of the scene with the special bong. i mean this isnt your average juice bottel with the gardem hose!
Go easy on the garden hose mate that shits seriously toxic.

I still have a good laugh thinking about all those garden hoses we snipped in half when we were kids trying to make a bong.
Little cunts we were aye we never looked for the end of the hose just grab whatever part was closest to the front fence and SNIP 🤣🤣

Dabbers actually look very similar to your typical glass bong since many are coming out with glass stems as well.

And if you can't quite let go of the Gatorade bong you can now buy glass Gatorade bongs which are almost indestructible
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