RIP Joey Jordison

Aye Shroomer

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Just found out Joey Jordison, drummer for Slipknot has passed away. 46 yrs old.

What a talent now gone from the music scene. Seen them live 12 or so years ago. He was freaking amazing.

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Forum Pisshead
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I seen slipknot play with machine head one of the best gigs I’ve been too.

That’s really a shame, he was a fucking awesome drummer.

All the good ones go early, my favorite guitarist was gunned down on stage, dime bag.

What a waste.

Aye Shroomer

User ID
Yeah I seen them separately.
Machine head was intense. It was the last concert i moshed to. I’m 5’3” so I was always having to swim through the pit. But this time I had three 7” Vikings with long hair and no shirts in front of me. My face was smashed against their sweaty backs. So I climbed up the shoulders and crowd surfed out. Watched the rest of the show up the top. It was the roundhouse theatre at Uni NSW.


Resident Celebrity
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machine head
Wow I haven't heard that name in ages. You may have sent me down a rabbit hole now.

You also just reminded that Fear Factory was the secret band at the 2004 Big Day Out. We were outside the main stadium when all of a sudden it took us about 5 seconds to recognize that distinctive sound and we all just looked at each other for about half a second and then went running towards the stadium. Nice surprise, their music is a bit dated these days though.

Tourette's were there too, never heard a female sing like that before.

It was the roundhouse theatre at Uni NSW.
We saw Cradle of Filth there back around 2002 maybe, it's a pretty small venue but they rocked it. I'd forgotten about that place.

Only time I ever saw Nick Barker on the drums live, that dude's mental with the double kick.
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