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Kee Mao

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Singapore has always scared the fuck out of me. Always worried that I haven’t done a proper survey of my luggage. Once I’m thru the airport I’m cool. Shit has consequences in Singapore.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Singapore has always scared the fuck out of me. Always worried that I haven’t done a proper survey of my luggage. Once I’m thru the airport I’m cool. Shit has consequences in Singapore.
I'm stopping over there on me way to Thailand for 2 hours!! The last 4 times I've travelled I've stashed a very small amount of buds in me check in!
Because we stopping over in Singapore I won't be doing that this time!!
Thailand is fully legal so straight to dispensary on arrival it will be for me!!


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Not overseas but flew from Sydney to Melbourne about 5 years ago and used my backpack that I'd used the day before for a claytarget comp. The explosives swab guy got me and the machine went batshit. I got pulled aside for a search and while I was explaining that he pulls a shotgun shell out of the front pocket. I thought I was fucked.when the head federal cop came up The security guy goes to him he recons he left it in there because he's a member of a gun club that had a comp yesterday and the copper goes he was he fucken beat me 3 times. I looked at him again and realised he was from the rival club we used to shoot against and he just said mistakes happen make sure you double check. I was like I'm just buying a second back pack
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