Reluctant to post but give it a go Budwashing ?


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I'm not aware of a single incident of anyone getting sick by smoking ( chemical free) unwashed buds. Happy for anyone to challenge that notion and prove me wrong!!! India, Afghanistan, Morocco etc etc have been growing and smoking cannabis for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They make wonderful hashish in what the modern world may consider to be unsanitary conditions. Yet their hash looks, tastes and works wonderful. Dead skin particles, bugs, etc. are simply combusted in a bong or joint. It never hurt anyone. I cannot be convinced that bud washing does not dilute terpenes, and waters down the flavour of natural buds.
Yeah that's what I was thinking, me personally I've never done it but I have tossed a few good buds bcoz of bugs and crap but I just put that down to "that's just going to happen sometimes" I've seen the crap the leaves and buds can collect over time especially outside but I've never had a problem smoking without washing either..but I'm not smoking bug ridden buds though well not that I know of 🤣☮️👍

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I'm not aware of a single incident of anyone getting sick by smoking ( chemical free) unwashed buds. Happy for anyone to challenge that notion and prove me wrong!!! India, Afghanistan, Morocco etc etc have been growing and smoking cannabis for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They make wonderful hashish in what the modern world may consider to be unsanitary conditions. Yet their hash looks, tastes and works wonderful. Dead skin particles, bugs, etc. are simply combusted in a bong or joint. It never hurt anyone. I cannot be convinced that bud washing does not dilute terpenes, and waters down the flavour of natural buds.
I had a mate who used to bong ants, he never got sick either, although he smelt strange :unsure:
User ID
I'm not aware of a single incident of anyone getting sick by smoking ( chemical free) unwashed buds. Happy for anyone to challenge that notion and prove me wrong!!! India, Afghanistan, Morocco etc etc have been growing and smoking cannabis for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. They make wonderful hashish in what the modern world may consider to be unsanitary conditions. Yet their hash looks, tastes and works wonderful. Dead skin particles, bugs, etc. are simply combusted in a bong or joint. It never hurt anyone. I cannot be convinced that bud washing does not dilute terpenes, and waters down the flavour of natural buds.
I washed mine for the first ever on my last harvest, I would safely say it only removed about half the bugs and dirt and hair (Which is better than none)
I did notice in the water in both tubs (Maybe 3 to 6) small dots of oil on the top of the water, Wethar it came out the buds or was just a contaminate ill never know.
Didn't seem like much to worry about though.
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