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QLD guy

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$300 fine and 3 mths good behaviour 4 this black duck
That was over 4 yrs ago
Qualified 4 diversion or direction or something like that, so half hr phone call 2 this lady telling me 2 lay off demon weed
Was about 20 plants and dozen seedlings
Some of u might remember blacked out chopper
Hi Bob..gee thats a fair outcome....would it be harsher if you get done again...?.and how well did they toss your home...did they search in the fridge , freezer etc..?

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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With a name like LEDJESUS, you can apparently turn water into wine. Surely with a few Hail Mary's and Our Father prayers you can turn lawn clippings into buds 🤣 If you get busted, tell the judge your buds are medicine, and you can't afford the outlandish price of medical scripts. Whatever you do, don't ever waste a cent on a lawyer/solicitor for a cannabis charge for personal use. Waste of money. You'll get exactly the same minor result/fine without any legal representation. Represent yourself


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Yep, avoid duty solictors too. They'll more than likely fuck it up for you.
Many years ago, I went to court on a ridiculously petty possesion charge for 0.1g (because a cop got their feeling hurt 😿).

I didn't even get to talk to the duty solicitor before I was up. They literally just made up some bullshit story and I got a "no conviction recorded".

I guess they (and the judge) considered it a waste of their time and just went through the motions 🤷‍♂️ ...fun day out :LOL:

afghan bob

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Hi Bob..gee thats a fair outcome....would it be harsher if you get done again...?.and how well did they toss your home...did they search in the fridge , freezer etc..?
No idea about going again, if they dont record conviction first time does that mean second time is first time ? Haha
Overall pretty good actually, nothing chucked out on lawn or messed up, not sure if looked in fridge
They did destroy ev/thing connected 2 growing, lights, fans, sm pots ect, couldnt do anything 2 fabric pots
also wanted 2 chuck all 2 part ferty's until i told em used on all pot plants
First thing they asked about was cash, next it was excess power leads and mtr box
Once they realised wasn't selling they was pretty cool
No name on search warrant only addy


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I blew 0.175 and pinged for dangerous driving back in the late 80's. A mate and I were on a shitty old gsx250, on a stormy night, though i did have good local knowledge of the roads I was on (twisty mountain roads).

Anyway, i had this car trying to close in on me but it couldnt get much closer than 200 metres. But he was shitting me off within high beam, so as you do, you give it more stick. This shit went on 10 minutes until I got to a tricky section going downhill to which I decided to pull over and let the fuckwit past. Unbeknown to me it was the fuzz were trying to pull me over.

That's when two cop cars boxed me in, got out and were trying to kick the bike out from under us. I thought me mate got off the back by then, and just stepped off the bike and down it went with the DC's still kicking at the bike. As it turned out, mate was still on the back and went arse up with the bike. Cops grabbed him, threw him in the back of the car, and me into bonnet. They soon realise me mate had claret pissing out of his melon, and the blood was everywhere through the back of the cop car, which then had two coppers bitching with each other about who was going to clean it up (piss funny). They then ripped me mate back out of the cop car and sent him on his way. I guess they weren't up for the extra paperwork.

Anyway, took me to the cop shop and booked me. Once they released me, I said to one wanker "how about a lift home?", to which he responded "find your own way home". Then I came back with "You're right, that's probably the safest option, because none of you can drive for shit". Got back home, mate had cleaned himself by then and wasnt looking too bad. He had stashed the bike in the bush and we collected it the next day.

Finally getting to the Duty Solicitor bit. I was offered the option of one and being naive to the system I thought it'd be the better route to take. My name eventually is called out and I'm up, this DS turned out to be a bumbling fool that didn't bother reviewing the charge sheet and was dribbling all sorts of nonsense. She was that bad, even the judge pulled up twice during the time, and addressed her on proceedings. And basically both of them sent me down.

Judge slaps me 2.2k fine, suspended for 22 months for the two charges.But still pisses me off to this day, I'm yet to see anyone with similar offences having to cop anything close to me to this date (with traffic offences that you read about in the papers).

So yeah, fuck Duty Solicitors.
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User ID
I blew 0.175 and pinged for dangerous driving back in the late 80's. A mate and I were on a shitty old gsx250, on a stormy night, though i did have good local knowledge of the roads I was on (twisty mountain roads).

Anyway, i had this car trying to close in on me but it couldnt get much closer than 200 metres. But he was shitting me off within high beam, so as you do, you give it more stick. This shit went on 10 minutes until I got to a tricky section going downhill to which I decided to pull over and let the fuckwit past. Unbeknown to me it was the fuzz were trying to pull me over.

That's when two cop cars boxed me in, got out and were trying to kick the bike out from under us. I thought me mate got off the back by then, and just stepped off the bike and down it went with the DC's still kicking at the bike. As it turned out, mate was still on the back and went arse up with the bike. Cops grabbed him, threw him in the back of the car, and me into bonnet. They soon realise me mate had claret pissing out of his melon, and the blood was everywhere through the back of the cop car, which then had two coppers bitching with each other about who was going to clean it up (piss funny). They then ripped me mate back out of the cop car and sent him on his way. I guess they weren't up for the extra paperwork.

Anyway, took me to the cop shop and booked me. Once they released me, I said to one wanker "how about a lift home?", to which he responded "find your own way home". Then I came back with "You're right, that's probably the safest option, because none of you can drive for shit". Got back home, mate had cleaned himself by then and wasnt looking too bad. He had stashed the bike in the bush and we collected it the next day.

Finally getting to the Duty Solicitor bit. I was offered the option of one and being naive to the system I thought it'd be the better route to take. My name eventually is called out and I'm up, this DS turned out to be a bumbling fool that didn't bother reviewing the charge sheet and was dribbling all sorts of nonsense. She was that bad, even the judge pulled up twice during the time. And basically both of them sent me down.

Judge slaps me 2.2k fine, suspended for 22 months for the two charges.But still pisses me off to this day, I'm yet to see anyone with similar offences having to cop anything close to me to this date (with traffic offences that you read about in the papers).

So yeah, fuck Duty Solicitors.
Outrunning the coppers on a GSX250 with a pillion, in a storm on a mountain road.... You're bang on mate, they couldn't drive for shit!

Shitty way for that to end up though :mad:


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No lights and sirens mate ?
Not that I could see, that's why I kept going for as long as I did. Mate was of the same opinion.

It was the first ever DUI blitz they done up on Hill, back of the GC. Another drinking mate had already been pinged and was in the back of the cop car, listening in on their radio. He said he was pissing himself, because he figured out it was me they were trying to round up, and knew of the shitbox bike we were on, lol.
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afghan bob

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Ure duty sol could have at least used that in ure defence
Not 4 being pissed but why u never pulled over
Could of said u didnt know who the ferk was chasing u so u hauled arse


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That's how I would've hoped it went down. But we didn't get to go over my case before court. And when my time arrived she had nothing really offer in my defence. Certainly didn't go down to how it should normally.


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Haha, they should've had me before then because there was a couple of decent straight sections in between. Them in their latest commodores/falcons, us on the flogged out old bike.

Rocket summed it up best.

afghan bob

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Had an old Elsanore 250 dirt bike that was ported, honed and oversize carby
Hit them power bands going through gears and probs fastest 0-60 ever
Only prob was when u got to 60 that was it
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