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Are you more interested in manufactures or could you put hydro shops with an online site down as well?


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Oh yeah, I ended getting a bottle of ultra mask. You drink it an hour before the test and some water, after 2 pisses you'll be clean for 4 hours.


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Hey crew
It’s been awhile i was off the grid for a bit

what about Bugs For Bugs ? I use their Californicus mites to fuck up spidermites when I get them . They now have mites for fungus gnats as well

There’s an awesome Hydro Shop in Perth if you were going down that path- Hydro Guru . (
His names Amit small family owned shop . Good advice , doesn’t sell you the world .used to work for another hydro shop for 15 years before he branched out on his own only a couple years ago .
I’m sure any other blokes on here from Perth that have used him would agree .
could maybe add one per capital city to try for discounts with a code word etc ?


User ID
Hey crew
It’s been awhile i was off the grid for a bit

what about Bugs For Bugs ? I use their Californicus mites to fuck up spidermites when I get them . They now have mites for fungus gnats as well

There’s an awesome Hydro Shop in Perth if you were going down that path- Hydro Guru . (
His names Amit small family owned shop . Good advice , doesn’t sell you the world .used to work for another hydro shop for 15 years before he branched out on his own only a couple years ago .
I’m sure any other blokes on here from Perth that have used him would agree .
could maybe add one per capital city to try for discounts with a code word etc ?
I was gunna throw them in but his prices are too good to ask him for a discount code. Better prices then eBay and doesn’t stock rubbish.
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