Post ya Barneys Farm Strain reviews

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Wow afghan bob, what strain is yielding that? My best auto has been about 3-4 in 2 gal pots.

I notice you have some cbd stains, lucky bastard! I've been looking for some to try but due to the current situation they're all unknown seeds so I don't want to spend 3 months on something that could be regular shit.

I've grown Peyote Critical and it was a winner, almost blue buds, very pungent, and quite strong.

Also tried Auto Tangerine Dream which was a bit leafy but nice flavours and decent effect.

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Yup, all photos, probs 3 yrs old, and yep gotta pull carboard apart with foil backing
Pretty sure real deal
Yeah definately real deal, I was just trying to work out if / when they changed packaging designs or if theres diff designs available or something.

Mine were ordered from ABB so delivered domestically.
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