Mr Potato headJust stick to getting half an oz, form it into the shape of a mono-brow and wear it. No one will cotton on..
do you know whats in deodorant ? neither do i but it most likely will end up on your buds , probably not a good idea to then set fire to it & suck the smoke into your lungsWhy not?
Fill it up an way it that will be the best way ya MuppetYeah
How much weed do you think would fit though, in grams?
24 and worried about what ya mum thinks!!Alright, thanks. I'm just buying either an ounce tomorrow or half an ounce so I'm just wondering how to get it home without mum knowing, she's against me smoking even though I'm 24. I don't live in the same house, I just don't have a license anymore.
I went to a mates wedding in Fiji years ago!! Another mate was fucking this Philippino hooker and decided to bring her to this wedding. They still together funnily enough. Anyway we all arrive together and start asking the locals where we can get some buds on this tiny island and a lad says I'll bring some back tonight for yas! It's 9am after a flight so we just started drinking by the pool. Hour or so later me mate and his Philippino whore rock up to the pool bleeding from the eyes stoned as fuck!! The rest of us look at em and realise and say how the fuck are yous so stoned!! Me mate just lays back in his pool chair and says she stuck half an OZ up her cunt and a Q in her arse we got enough to last the whole trip!!Stuff an ounce in a condom,
Shove it up your arse and enjoy the ride home.
way it?? He'd have to separate it from the curds firstFill it up an way it...