Ph what am i missing

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Love to grow

Foot man
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I'm getting a hm 80 for the ph pen I had 2 before and thsy where pretty good
I’ve got a hm 80 ph pen mate they great for a month or 2 but then need constant recalibration I’m pretty sure it may have dried out between grows though I’d go the blue lab mate I think by memory they are an extra 30-40 bucks n come with storage solution calibration liquid n such never let me down yet just clean the probes back in storage solution and she sweet👍


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I abused the fuck outbof my two got the second cause the spondw thing went mouldy nninthought it was fuckd also for other reasons but thau never skiped a beat I so t mind calibrating ibwas In coco n calibrated to 7 always wondered of I should do 3 point calibration tho


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Hay how mutch can temps affect ph would be a good idia to know how mutcj the tent of the medium will fluctuate also could this be tied to vpd like rood ball temp relative to the leaf temps amd humidity


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The pH fluctuations due to temps is minimal in fact in renowned 'Science' (magazine) study it states
"At room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) the pH of pure water is 7. If you increase the temperature to 100 degrees Celsius, the pH of pure water is 6.14, which is still neutral on the pH scale even though it is lower than 7"

And if you are feeding your plants with fluid anything like 100 degrees ya need to have your head read :LOL:


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I'm sorry for the bad grammar I'm working on it thank everyone for the feedback ifbit wasn't for people Like you guys I'd probably not even be able to germinate a seed lol my pH pen n ec meter is on the way I also got carried away n brought another light even tho I dobt need one lol o well guell ipl have tk get another tent lol I went for the viper spectra p600


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Having a 'spare' is never a bad thing. I've been saved many times because I've had the bits I've needed in 'spares'. I've had a few mates give up the game and I've been the lucky recipient of some of their gear. I've become a bit of a 'Macgyver' ie 'swap this with that, marry it all together and problem solvered'.


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I always mix up n PH 5ltrs at a time.

I always have to go down as my rainwater is usually 7 odds

I use PH down and a syringe but I find I only ever need to add a small amount.
It’s amazing the effect of a few drops.

If feeding nutrients I PH after mixing them in so final solution is on the money.
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