Ph Pen storage and cleaning solutions

Old Ant

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You could of rehydrated the old one.
You probably still could.
Put it in water for 24 hours then try to calibrate it.
I had a blue lab that didn't get used for 2 years and rehydrated it and it was fine. Until I dropped it.
Hey Johnny I did rehydrate the Bluelab but the readings were very slow and over 5 minutes they were still dropping so I binned it👍🏼

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Old Ant

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I don’t use litmus paper ,,that’s different.
Liquid test kit has drops ,,and a small test tube ,,
After drops go in if it turns piss yellow it’s good to go ,,
Or use up or down to adjust the ph ,,
Each to his own though.
It was the drops and clear vile the paper and the bottle had the colour reference chart on it, the problem was checking the colour in the vile - the more I stared at that vile the more it seemed slightly too close to the colour that was either side of what I wanted🤷‍♂️
Maybe I should have done the tests when I wasnt wasted🤣


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It was the drops and clear vile the paper and the bottle had the colour reference chart on it, the problem was checking the colour in the vile - the more I stared at that vile the more it seemed slightly too close to the colour that was either side of what I wanted🤷‍♂️
Maybe I should have done the tests when I wasnt wasted🤣
You take a photo and look at the picture. That's what I do when I test the pool water. You can judge it better from a picture

Old Ant

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You take a photo and look at the picture. That's what I do when I test the pool water. You can judge it better from a picture
Honestly never thought of taking a pic🤩 If I bugger up this pen I will get another kit and try this👍🏼 Cheers for the idea Hudo.

Old Ant

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Thank you everybody who chimed in to offer their advice and experiences😍
I decided to go with the Flairform pH Electrode Storage Solution 250ml again, though it is cheap it seems to me that if you dont let the probe dry out short / long term, or drop and damage the thing it will most likely last around 2 years using any of the branded storage solutions available🤷‍♂️🤞🏼
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