OZStoners dead?

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Still got spam from long ago ,so fuck all cleaning up of the site.

some of my stuff got deleted when it was still up ..happened just after putting a link to here.…some prick doesn’t like me 😂

I can’t see it lasting very long..


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Lol. I found it mate. All 4 diaries I wasted my time looking at were virtually the same as your diaries here! 😂😂😂
There should be one where I tried to grow some autos outside in a shitty plastic greenhouse through winter!!

Ahh what a failure that was!! 🤣
Can ya link in my thread or do you need to be a member to see it people would love a laugh!! 🤣


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Think It was about 10 years ago, I did a search on the site and she was valued at 6k annually back then. Safe to say she's not there now.


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Fuck if it's worth that much he could give us all 10 million each and not notice it , but who's going to buy it

The Saudis only ones with that money
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