Overwhelmed by choices , advice gained by ingestion / experience needed


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As a long time friend of the habit, I'm seeking a good , clean tasting , thought enhancing, non couch lock strain to try.
I've tried some (a LONG time ago) that wrecked me, & I'm not looking for that effect again, suggested THC levels are only any help if you have tried the gear, & back in the "good old days" THC levels were not mentioned.
I prefer to use the free sunshine, with potting mix in 1/2 wine barrels ,,,, I'm a fan of topping, & SCROG , but not into auto's, but feminized seem to be the way of avoiding the dreaded seed explosions., I live in a HOT dry area (usually)
Please share your experiences with popular seeds, their given type, THC level & effects, that'll save me having to get a letter from the royalty when I turn 100

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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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youll most likely be wanting a sativa dominant variety if you do not want couch lock
I have grown lots of different ones but to name a few of the more productive ones that also suit your climate and also feminized.......
High level , Aussie deadhead , Sour Diesel , Jack herer , Super silver haze , Amnesia and malawi
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