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Of the top of my head I would say start introducing beneficial predatory nematodes, 2 different species are usually available and both will work well. Here's an article from BioLogic on the subject.Thanks Professor itchybro..If only it was that easy might well be for that Canadian gardener
The wet humid tropics (4500mm annual rainfall where I live) surrounded by jungle, poses many challenges that most gardeners will never encounter in their lives...not only is there nematodes to contend with but various bacterial and fungal wilts particularly in the solananaceae family of veges..for thoise living in or in close proximity to rainforest various pests are also a problem...with the fruit/banana spotting bug a particular nasty one that stings/sucks the stems of many plants near the tips and growing points which can stunt and virtually stop any growth..Papaya get badly affected in my area...Canna planted in bush areas, particularly around wild raspberry also..
and yes I have spent 20 years adding endless tip-truckloads of various products, including tip mulch,wood chip, bagasse, mill mud, fly ash as well as chook poop, fish frames, flood wash, tonne bags of lime and gypsum etc for my vege garden and wider gardens ....
Despite this the nematodes, wilts and sapsuckers still exist ...though as Sticky mentions not to the same degree in my "healthyist" vege garden soil ..still not enough to grow tomatoes aside from a small cherry variety during the dry season unforyunately though..
So yeah i know that spending time increasing soil from the ground up is always the best option but I ask again..for someone wanting to plant a few canna plants in small Guerilla grow i the bush where a 20 year plan to increase the humus content of the bush soil is not really possible will molasses control or kill the root knot nematodes for the duration of a grow and if not does anyone have a quick fix (other then nemacur)..?
Root Knot Nematodes | BioLogic Company
Destructive Nematodes: The Root-Knot Nematode Ever have a plant that just wouldn’t grow and thrive no matter what you did? The problem may have been below the soil surface, destructive root knot nematodes. It is important to understand that there are thousands of species of nematodes, and