Old school bong porn.

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Old Ant

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Thanks OA where would I get those from ? Probably good excuse to divorce the bongs again.✌️
☹️ MO I am really sorry mate the two Aussie websites Vaporiser direct aus and Herbware aus both had stock a couple of months ago of this reducing chamber but now have nada, nothing, bubcus not even the plenty wear and tear set all out of stock now😟😩
Also tried my google fu to scour a bunch more Aussie sites but they all got sweet F# All🤬


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appear to have one $20?, a few places have original for $130+.
Depends on your model. Comes as either an insert or whole piece.
Try the chemists, they maybe able to source for you.
The vaping laws killed the retailers, dried flower vapes got caught up in all the other shite
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