Okay Gimme the Bad News!!!!!

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Couldn’t the males be used for cbd products??

But then you will be using your grow space for males and have possible pollen everywhere
Males can and do pollinate for up to 5kms radius outdoors ( depends on wind direction). Even indoors, male pollen just goes everywhere. Best to have it's own tent AND it's own separate room, to avoid accidental pollination

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Males can and do pollinate for up to 5kms radius outdoors ( depends on wind direction). Even indoors, male pollen just goes everywhere. Best to have it's own tent AND it's own separate room, to avoid accidental pollination
Random question on this.

If a male does pollinate inside a tent, does the tent need to go through some kind of decontamination before putting anything else in it? Or does the pollen not stay viable for very long?

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Random question on this.

If a male does pollinate inside a tent, does the tent need to go through some kind of decontamination before putting anything else in it? Or does the pollen not stay viable for very long?
I always thoroughly clean all equipment/environment after a pollen run. Theoretically, pollen in open environment should no longer be viable after a few weeks. But I have heard of instances where a subsequent grow is accidentally pollinated months afterwards, if grow room was not adequately cleaned.
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