Oils ain’t oils

Postman pat

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Never had cookies but think the gummy's sound better.

These days I don't even strain it. Hash in all go into the caps. Good old produce sell those nice wide tip 60ml syringes. Safer that way learnt after my poor old dog decided to eat the bowl of hash id filtered out poor old thing was worse of than me had to take days off work to force water into her and lay her out on the grass to wee. Never want to fuck up like that again so eliminated the possibility.

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Forum Pisshead
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Never had cookies but think the gummy's sound better.

These days I don't even strain it. Hash in all go into the caps. Good old produce sell those nice wide tip 60ml syringes. Safer that way learnt after my poor old dog decided to eat the bowl of hash id filtered out poor old thing was worse of than me had to take days off work to force water into her and lay her out on the grass to wee. Never want to fuck up like that again so eliminated the possibility.

Same thing happened to me, made a big batch of cookies chucked all the left over weed out the back back, fucking kids left the gate open about an hour later found indie on the front lawn in a comatose state dry reaching with eyes rolling into the back of her head. Felt like the biggest fucking idiot, she came good I had to pull a sickie look after her. Fucking lost my shit at the kids shut the fucking gate you retards. I never leave anything out now never always bag it and into the front bins.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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I also had a similar thing happen had butter cooling in large pot in garage and dog ate the lot! 2 whole blocks of butter to 1 whole plant.
Poor bugger was shit faced a good 24 hours but he lived to see many more years.✌🏻


Postman pat

User ID
I had mine sitting outside on the BBQ bitch must have knocked it down, never thought about it till I went to pat her a couple hours later and she was all twitchy, then couldn't take a step, dont think she could stand up for over 48hours, fuck dont ya feel like a cunt! She won't even be inside the house if in cooking it now.


Forum Pisshead
User ID
Me old man had a golden retriever ate his whole wallet with about a grand in it lol.

Funny dog would eat absolutely anything bark sticks tv remotes shoes rose bushes fuck it did some damage.

afghan bob

Community Member
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What's your method bob?
Pretty much same as ev/one else Pat
Main diff i suppose is i use buds and close trim only. Don't smoke but have been giving desktop vape a workout lately
100% iso and quick wash twice. On 2 outdoor hotplate and slow evapp

afghan bob

Community Member
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Personally no, only cause when evaporating on hotplate temps get well in2 boiling temp when down 2 last litre or so
I suppose ev/one got there own way of doing it
Used 2 put mixture of filtered iso weed mix out in sun 4 a few hrs until all chlorophyll evaped and turned golden colour until someone told me i'd be losing THC in sunlight
Used 2 taste pretty good but

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Personally no, only cause when evaporating on hotplate temps get well in2 boiling temp when down 2 last litre or so
I suppose ev/one got there own way of doing it
Used 2 put mixture of filtered iso weed mix out in sun 4 a few hrs until all chlorophyll evaped and turned golden colour until someone told me i'd be losing THC in sunlight
Used 2 taste pretty good but
No need to put it in the sun to get rid of chlorophyll if you used aged buds, get a much better end product as well
only use 3- 6-12 month old buds here
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