Nute adjustments to allow for tap water EC

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Love to grow

Foot man
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Hey mate have u thought about getting an ro filter will help a lot if not try leaving your water out for 24hr with a bubbler in it will off gas a lot of the chlorine might drop your ppm a touch I live in Tas our tap comes out at 0.0 -0.1ec top notch water down this wayšŸ‘āœŒļø


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Doesn't really matter what ec/ph your tap water is , it's what the reading after you've mixed your solution that counts

So if your tap water is 0.1 , mine is 0.2 , after you add solution it's the final reading that matters..

So if it's 0.1 you bring it to 0.8 , 1.2 etc with a pH between 5 5 /6 5

natural fluctuations doesn't mater as long as they fall between the quidelines

Most quality solutions these days automatically adjust pH, my is 6.2 , that seems to be my sweet spot

All I do is add what's required to get desired EC levels

So it's exactly the same reading after I mix every time 6.2

I mix 1ml for every litre , so I make 60 litres at a time for my res, stays stable till it finishes

Others mix a little more , but I try keep those burnt tips of the leaves from appearing, don't worry if you get a little just back off nutrients a little till you find your sweet spot
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