Nute adjustments to allow for tap water EC


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Hi all,

Trying to wrap my head around adjusting nutrients amounts to achieve desired EC.

Issue - EC of my water is 0.5. My nute chart says I want EC 0.6. (Dual Fuel 1&2 and ProCal)

Chart says .5ml/l of base nutes (which I will be halving) and 1.25ml/l of ProCal (also halved)

Is there way to calculate how many ml's of nutes I need to add per litre of water to achieve EC .6? Or is it a matter of mixing it as above and adjusting until its right?

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afghan bob

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U've got 2 take into account whats in ure medium as well, obviously if ammended with organics or manures these will come in2 effect down the track
Ure on the right track, half of what bottle says 2 start, add whatever ure gonna add and test
Just add xtra water 2 adjust 2 where u want it. Ph well that's another ball game


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U've got 2 take into account whats in ure medium as well, obviously if ammended with organics or manures these will come in2 effect down the track
Ure on the right track, half of what bottle says 2 start, add whatever ure gonna add and test
Just add xtra water 2 adjust 2 where u want it. Ph well that's another ball game
Thanks Bob. I'm raising autos in coco/perl so nothing in it as far as amendments go. I was hoping it was going to be something like adding water. . Thanks a lot.
Does PH greatly affect EC?


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Don't over think it just start half strength and build up to about 3/4 what the bottle says all the way through thats all I do with hydro nutes I'm stirring up a hornets nest by saying through the EC pen in the bin. For beginners gadgets usually have an adverse effect because people have obsessive personalities and being able to measure everything and trying to make corrections can stress shit out. Start by just mixing weekend nutes than what bottle says and get used to PH. I use canna nutes and when I follow the feed chart and recommended EC I get tip burn there only recommendations and your setup will be different. My setup for example works best at 3/4 the recommended per 10 litres other blokes set ups and growing styles will be different some will use Higher EC and others lower


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Don't over think it just start half strength and build up to about 3/4 what the bottle says all the way through thats all I do with hydro nutes I'm stirring up a hornets nest by saying through the EC pen in the bin. For beginners gadgets usually have an adverse effect because people have obsessive personalities and being able to measure everything and trying to make corrections can stress shit out. Start by just mixing weekend nutes than what bottle says and get used to PH. I use canna nutes and when I follow the feed chart and recommended EC I get tip burn there only recommendations and your setup will be different. My setup for example works best at 3/4 the recommended per 10 litres other blokes set ups and growing styles will be different some will use Higher EC and others lower
Thanks for the info mate. And what about feeding these autos early? Reading things that say dont feed for 2-3 weeks? Thats half its life in veg? Doesnt make much sense. Ours are 7 days from germ so curious to get some opinions.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Hi all,

Trying to wrap my head around adjusting nutrients amounts to achieve desired EC.

Issue - EC of my water is 0.5. My nute chart says I want EC 0.6. (Dual Fuel 1&2 and ProCal)

Chart says .5ml/l of base nutes (which I will be halving) and 1.25ml/l of ProCal (also halved)

Is there way to calculate how many ml's of nutes I need to add per litre of water to achieve EC .6? Or is it a matter of mixing it as above and adjusting until its right?
That can't be right your! You tap water is 0.5 EC are you sure because mine is 0.012 EC!
How are you measuring this??


The man your mother warned you about.
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Don't over think it just start half strength and build up to about 3/4 what the bottle says all the way through thats all I do with hydro nutes I'm stirring up a hornets nest by saying through the EC pen in the bin. For beginners gadgets usually have an adverse effect because people have obsessive personalities and being able to measure everything and trying to make corrections can stress shit out. Start by just mixing weekend nutes than what bottle says and get used to PH. I use canna nutes and when I follow the feed chart and recommended EC I get tip burn there only recommendations and your setup will be different. My setup for example works best at 3/4 the recommended per 10 litres other blokes set ups and growing styles will be different some will use Higher EC and others lower
I take it you don’t use additives.
If you do ,how do you know you have the right strength ?

afghan bob

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I dont think ph affects ec
What it does do though affects how much of ure ec is accessible 2 the plants
When ph is in sweet spot they can access all nutes available 2 them
Someone can probs explain it better
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The man your mother warned you about.
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BluLab Truncheon, brand new. Flicking between 0.4 and 0.6
You have a high mineral content in your water ,,Calsium,,
magnesium, and other traces ..

No drama .so just mix nutes to whatever EC you need


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I take it you don’t use additives.
If you do ,how do you know you have the right strength ?
I use bio diesel from week 3 flower also at 3/4 strength of recommended and it's sweet. It's what works for me. I'm one of those people when I have to much gear I fuck around with it to much I guess you could say all the gear and know ideah lol


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I dont think ph affects ec
What it does do though affects how much of ure ec is accessible 2 the plants
When ph is in sweet spot they can access all nutes available 2 them
Someone can probs explain it better
Yeah I meant just mix it light and just adjust PH instead of worrying about EC diddnt mean PH affects EC


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Thanks for the info mate. And what about feeding these autos early? Reading things that say dont feed for 2-3 weeks? Thats half its life in veg? Doesnt make much sense. Ours are 7 days from germ so curious to get some opinions.
I'm not an auto grower one of the other guys can prob answer that better but no food for 2-3 weeks sounds a bit rough.


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Wow that's crazy!! Do you know where you water is coming from?
I've never heard of readings like that from tap water!
Our tap water here is 230ppm, so roughly 0.5ec. My last few places were around 200ppm as well, so I think it's pretty standard in Qld at least. Always around pH 7.8.

When we had the flood last Feb (had like 1500mm rain in three days), water quality went to shit as treatment plants flooded and what not.

The tap water was close to ec 1 for a while. It was kinda scary.
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Aye Shroomer

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Hi all,

Trying to wrap my head around adjusting nutrients amounts to achieve desired EC.

Issue - EC of my water is 0.5. My nute chart says I want EC 0.6. (Dual Fuel 1&2 and ProCal)

Chart says .5ml/l of base nutes (which I will be halving) and 1.25ml/l of ProCal (also halved)

Is there way to calculate how many ml's of nutes I need to add per litre of water to achieve EC .6? Or is it a matter of mixing it as above and adjusting until its right?
So how much water in litres are you mixing up.

When I started I first tried mixing only 1L at a time. Way too time consuming that way.

Either get a 5 or 10L container. Maybe start with a 3L milk jug for your seedlings. Just depends on how many plants you will be feeding.

I’ve been running the same nutes you have and I mix up a 10L container to the recommended doses. But thats because I know how my plants run. For you I would go the 1/2 dose per L

I also grow in hempy buckets which take around 1L a feed. That lasts 4-6 days then I top up.

4 hempys so my nutes stay mixed up for a week roughly

The dual fuel nutes are super easy. Don’t over think it.
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I believe best to feed lightly from day 1 in coco. keep moist.

Id not be keen on using that water, you'll be adding bugger all nutes to get 0.6 lol.

fuck knows what minerals and shit its made up of but chances are its not too flash for little auto seedlings. Is it a risk youre willing to take. it'll probably be alright once youre up 1.2 + but until then use some better base water, rain water ideally, It shouldn't register on the truncheon unless youre in Ohio USA atm. 😷
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