New Community Supporter - 7 East Genetics


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My first order from 7east took 8 days to arrive for the 16,000km trip. :D Amazing really.

This second order a bit longer, but most importantly it arrived safely. Another happy camper here. Backseat preachers and 2-stroke lemonades.

Freebies - Headstrong x Triple dragon. Sounds alright.

And once again, got a shit load more seeds than I'd ordered. :love:
I've got a Backseat preacher going now it's looking real nice

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Mine have been waiting for international departure for the last
12 days.

And I am still waiting,

Dispatched 4 weeks ago today.
looks like I gotta message them .
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And I am still waiting,

Dispatched 4 weeks ago today.
looks like I gotta message them .
My recent one camped in Canada for 5 weeks. Apparently there has been 2 holiday weekends (whatever they are) over there recently that slow shit up.

This time mine come though Sydney Airport first, there for 5 days (weekend inc ;))
Was close to hitting the panic button thinking it was a goner, then it suddenly flew to Melbs and turned up at home in a couple of days. :D


The man your mother warned you about.
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My recent one camped in Canada for 5 weeks. Apparently there has been 2 holiday weekends (whatever they are) over there recently that slow shit up.

This time mine come though Sydney Airport first, there for 5 days (weekend inc ;))
Was close to hitting the panic button thinking it was a goner, then it suddenly flew to Melbs and turned up at home in a couple of days.

That’s unreal,,maybe mine will arrive after all …
Bummer I got a couple Backseat preacher, Tuna breath and finished frost I can flick you
All good ,,and thanks anyway.
I already have some seeds of those strains ,
thanks to Billygoat.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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I believe the plants should look similar to the pictures. They select for looks/bag appeal, smell/taste(terpenes) and decent yield. Just don't expect more potency than most other strains. May find one strain noticeably stronger if you're lucky. Reg strains breed themselves. Absolutely zero grower skill required to make F1 reg seeds. More skill required to identify and destroy males in an early flowering batch, than to allow nature to make F1 regs. Effort and skills are required to further breed regs to F4. Not deliberately trying to offend pollen chuckers 😉
Jesus you are a flog Old fem anything breeder
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