Nature doing nature.

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yeh im super cautious. not sure i want that shit. dont trust my brain at all haha
Yeah I wouldnt reccomend anyone take that amoumt. If you just have a couple you drop into a laughing trip with mild sensory hallucinations, ants moving around on the ground, distorted walls, time slows or speeds up, etc. It really depends who you're with that makes or breaks it.

Aye Shroomer

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Yeah I wouldnt reccomend anyone take that amoumt. If you just have a couple you drop into a laughing trip with mild sensory hallucinations, ants moving around on the ground, distorted walls, time slows or speeds up, etc. It really depends who you're with that makes or breaks it.
Set and setting is vital. But once you go to heroic dose and over it doesn’t matter about the set. Or the setting. You’re about to blast of to the quantum realm.


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I know what you mean, not about religion, although mathematics plays a deeper role in the universe than a lot of people realise.

More so in nature than in our daily lives of constructing apartment blocks and working out train timetable systems so people are more efficient at getting to work.

If anything I'd say that most of our lives are subconsciously governed by maths and the people that work in all kinds of jobs are using maths of some sort. Whether it be formulaic algebra, astrophysics, or even as a checkout chick at Coles, and anything in between.

As humans we discovered a long time ago that maths is a law, or rule, it's not something that we can control, it's something that we discovered, and nature is one of the ways we discovered that.

Fractals and the Fibonacci sequence are good examples of that. We aren't the controllers we think we are, we're the subordinates who follow the rules of nature... until we knock down another bunch of trees and build apartments, because... that guy wants money.
Ive been thinking about number sequences and the very first question you have to ask yourself is absolitwly unanswerable, lol.

Is there such a thing as coincidence?


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I've been working through number sequences based on the four sets of genes in the genome. You can literally jam sequence after sequence into it.

It's a geometrical sequence that equates into itself over and over in many different ways. The generations move in triangles and there cubes withing cubes and squares within squares infinitely... It is a real fractal.


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This might be too freaky for you guys but I made a couple of images 😆😆

The first is an outbred genome and the second is an inbred genome, there's many patterns within the pattern and they continue infinitely. They're just a geometrical sequence with 4 as the common factor,
Edit: I just noticed the first image forms a curve, If you blew that out in all directions I reckon you'd end up with spirals 🤔
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After some revision I realised that you wouldn't get spirals as such but a continuous wave of curves that spiral out from a point you can never reach.. The images mirror reality, the population pretty much expands via generation in a wave.

Thank christ I got you guys to bounce these ideas off, if it was my missus I'd have just talked myself out of a blowjob 😆
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