Naming conventions for pollen chucked seed/strains?

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my method is simple I refer to my crosses by their genetics
This sounds like the most reasonable approach to the task and what I had planned anyway. Strains crossed + breeder

I realise anybody can choose to do whatever they want, name their seeds anything, make endless bullshit claims. It’s a bit sad really it happens.

I kinda think there are conventions, applied by those with at least a little integrity and who aren‘t constrained by greed and the willingness deceive others for profit. It seems to be happening here with the TSE community. Even if it’s just providing info about the parent strains, etc. It may not be regulated or compulsory but it definitely adds value, having trust that what you think you are growing is likely what it is. Personally I like as much info as possible about what I have, even if I’ve got no idea how to grow em 😁


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As a person who buys seeds, I prefer breeders just use Receiver (aka female) x Donor (aka male or feminized male). It's not as cool sounding as something like Super Thunderfuck BBQ Sauce Kush, but it is a lot more informative! Unless you're going to be selling them or spreading them widely, it probably doesn't matter much. But, if you do make some Super Thunderfuck BBQ Sauce Kush, I will definitely pay too much for them 😛
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