Missing Beans


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In my experience of ordering from O.S, I have lost 2 ,but the empty package arrived, with a note saying contents removed, & that was it
I hear people talking about safe houses,
Has anybody had any follow up, after your package is seized like a visit from police, or nasty letter

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Goonie Goat

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My first package (Seedcity) was taken a few years ago, about 10 seeds. Never used a fake name or other address either. Since then I have had multiple orders from other places get through.
I don't think I'll ever bother with UK stores again..
As for that first order from Seedcity, no fancy letters or even the stealth lego set that they apparently sent with the seeds. Tracking never updated, and my hopes of it showing up dwindled each day until I accepted that it was seized a few weeks later šŸ„ŗšŸ˜«šŸ˜­
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thatā€™s a great run of good fortune Goonie, u should buy the odd lotto ticket mate


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I got a letter and a brochure about why it was bad. I posted a picture of them in a thread over a year ago
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