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Yeah, it's an unfortunate part of society. Had a couple of people close to me go down a similar route. One eventually shook it and cleaned themselves up, their life isnt completely in order, but doing the best they can considering where they came from. Give em heaps of credit for that. The other though, moved to Sydney 'n disappeared. Most likely went toes up.


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The amount of times I’ve trusted a level, stuck everything in place to find it’s all out by about 3 degrees. Seriously whoever makes this shit is having a laugh.
have heard a similar thing from my uncle mate, poor fucker was trying to build a shed and rekon he was gunna have a mental breakdown because he couldn't get anything to square up lol


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Dont think even Ronald can save em.....[sigh]
Kevvie was a great player. But he ain't even a coach's bumhole.

It's a long road ahead to turn 'em around. She's all a bit of a shambles. Lack of decent Halfback's 'n Coach's makes the mission even harder.
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