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At Indy’s request. 😂

Decided on 2 controls, so we got:

5 x Mediseedmans White Widiw fems.

5 x Billy’s NL5xHaze from 2019.

5 x Liberty x GC, fresh seeds.

For nothing else but curiosity I weighed them all, figured this could be a measure of plumpness? 😂

White widows: 0.10g
NL5: 0.13g
LHxGC: 0.09g

iPhone doesn’t work that great for close ups.. anyways,

Mediseedman seeds:






Group pic:


Really need better lighting. 😂


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Geezus, what crypt did you dig the other ones out of?

Ahh well, what will be will be. Look forward to the show. (y)


HPS turncoat
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At Indy’s request. 😂

Decided on 2 controls, so we got:

5 x Mediseedmans White Widiw fems.

5 x Billy’s NL5xHaze from 2019.

5 x Liberty x GC, fresh seeds.

For nothing else but curiosity I weighed them all, figured this could be a measure of plumpness? 😂

White widows: 0.10g
NL5: 0.13g
LHxGC: 0.09g

iPhone doesn’t work that great for close ups.. anyways,

Mediseedman seeds:

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Group pic:

View attachment 22530
Good luck with the Billy’s NL5xHaze 😄


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Using 3% Peroxide Solution In Your Cannabis Garden

Speed Up Seed Germination Process..?

When a seed is given water, it begins to germinate as long as the temperature, moisture, air, and light conditions are favourable. Seeds expand as they absorb water, and enzymes become hydrated. Hydrated enzymes become active, and the seed’s metabolic activities accelerate in order to generate energy for the growth process.

This occurs naturally, but what if you could accelerate seed germination by using a common home item? It turns out that you can! 10mls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution in approximately 150- 170mls of pure distilled water, can help plants germinate faster and develop stronger and healthier. What is hydrogen peroxide, and why does it speed up the germination process?

Let’s have a look at it in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) has a chemical structure that is remarkably similar to water (H20), with the exception that hydrogen peroxide has an extra oxygen atom. Hydrogen peroxide is important for seed germination. Natural peroxide levels influence numerous essential processes that must occur before seeds germinate as soon as the water is absorbed by the seed.

The seed coat softens after soaking in an appropriately diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, allowing the seeds to absorb more oxygen. As a result, germination speed is boosted.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the safest chemicals to use in the garden to treat root rot because of its chemical similarity to water. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally found in rainfall and aids in the fight against harmful fungi, insects, and weeds, as well as promoting seed germination.

Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic, environmentally benign, and biodegrades totally into simply oxygen and water. It contains no chlorine, alcohols, acids, or other harmful chemical compounds found in typical fertilizers. As a result, it’s safe to use around the entire family, as well as on your pets and plants.

8 Benefits When Using Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Cannabis Garden

1. Peroxide help seeds grow faster. You can speed up the growth of seeds by soaking them in 10mls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution in approximately 150 - 170mls of pure distilled water before planting.

2. Peroxide functions as a rooting agent. The roots are the foundation of a strong, healthy plant. Give your roots a boost by applying a small amount of peroxide to them. This can also be used to revitalise limp leaves. In the soil around the plant, spray a peroxide/water solution.

3. Peroxide repels insects. To keep bugs at bay, instead of buying expensive chemicals, spritz your plants with 10mls of 3% peroxide with 500mls of water.

4. Peroxide can help to keep cut plants and trees from becoming infected. To disinfect the area and prevent disease spread, spray a mixture of water and peroxide on plant leaves or roots. For the best results, saturate the area with a large amount of the water/peroxide solution.

5. Peroxide aids in soil aeration. All plants require three essential elements to survive: food, water, and air. If your soil is too compact, your roots won’t be able to grow correctly because they won’t be able to access adequate oxygen. Furthermore, illness thrives in overly compacted soil. To assist aerate the soil around your plant, mix 3 parts water with 1 part 3% peroxide and apply it to the roots.

6. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to disinfect your water. By mixing a little peroxide with the water in your watering can before applying to your plants and grass, you may make the water you feed them a little healthier. Peroxide cleans tap water of pollutants and pesticides, making it healthier for your plants.

7. Peroxide aids in the recovery of ill plants. Peroxide, in particular, is an excellent treatment for root rot. Root rot might develop if your soil is overly compacted. Pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide mixed with water (one part peroxide to two parts water) over your plant’s affected roots.

8. To disinfect garden tools, use peroxide. Sanitize your instruments to prevent disease from spreading to your plants and garden. This is especially true when a fungus has been discovered and treated. Simply soak your instruments in a gallon of water with 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide.

Find all measured solution mixes here:


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Using 3% Peroxide Solution In Your Cannabis Garden

Speed Up Seed Germination Process..?

When a seed is given water, it begins to germinate as long as the temperature, moisture, air, and light conditions are favourable. Seeds expand as they absorb water, and enzymes become hydrated. Hydrated enzymes become active, and the seed’s metabolic activities accelerate in order to generate energy for the growth process.

This occurs naturally, but what if you could accelerate seed germination by using a common home item? It turns out that you can! 10mls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution in approximately 150- 170mls of pure distilled water, can help plants germinate faster and develop stronger and healthier. What is hydrogen peroxide, and why does it speed up the germination process?

Let’s have a look at it in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) has a chemical structure that is remarkably similar to water (H20), with the exception that hydrogen peroxide has an extra oxygen atom. Hydrogen peroxide is important for seed germination. Natural peroxide levels influence numerous essential processes that must occur before seeds germinate as soon as the water is absorbed by the seed.

The seed coat softens after soaking in an appropriately diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, allowing the seeds to absorb more oxygen. As a result, germination speed is boosted.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the safest chemicals to use in the garden to treat root rot because of its chemical similarity to water. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally found in rainfall and aids in the fight against harmful fungi, insects, and weeds, as well as promoting seed germination.

Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic, environmentally benign, and biodegrades totally into simply oxygen and water. It contains no chlorine, alcohols, acids, or other harmful chemical compounds found in typical fertilizers. As a result, it’s safe to use around the entire family, as well as on your pets and plants.

8 Benefits When Using Hydrogen Peroxide In Your Cannabis Garden

1. Peroxide help seeds grow faster. You can speed up the growth of seeds by soaking them in 10mls of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution in approximately 150 - 170mls of pure distilled water before planting.

2. Peroxide functions as a rooting agent. The roots are the foundation of a strong, healthy plant. Give your roots a boost by applying a small amount of peroxide to them. This can also be used to revitalise limp leaves. In the soil around the plant, spray a peroxide/water solution.

3. Peroxide repels insects. To keep bugs at bay, instead of buying expensive chemicals, spritz your plants with 10mls of 3% peroxide with 500mls of water.

4. Peroxide can help to keep cut plants and trees from becoming infected. To disinfect the area and prevent disease spread, spray a mixture of water and peroxide on plant leaves or roots. For the best results, saturate the area with a large amount of the water/peroxide solution.

5. Peroxide aids in soil aeration. All plants require three essential elements to survive: food, water, and air. If your soil is too compact, your roots won’t be able to grow correctly because they won’t be able to access adequate oxygen. Furthermore, illness thrives in overly compacted soil. To assist aerate the soil around your plant, mix 3 parts water with 1 part 3% peroxide and apply it to the roots.

6. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to disinfect your water. By mixing a little peroxide with the water in your watering can before applying to your plants and grass, you may make the water you feed them a little healthier. Peroxide cleans tap water of pollutants and pesticides, making it healthier for your plants.

7. Peroxide aids in the recovery of ill plants. Peroxide, in particular, is an excellent treatment for root rot. Root rot might develop if your soil is overly compacted. Pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide mixed with water (one part peroxide to two parts water) over your plant’s affected roots.

8. To disinfect garden tools, use peroxide. Sanitize your instruments to prevent disease from spreading to your plants and garden. This is especially true when a fungus has been discovered and treated. Simply soak your instruments in a gallon of water with 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide.

Find all measured solution mixes here:
Your a fucking idiot!!
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