Medical growers License ?

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So you want to create a public company listed on the ASX. Look at all the failures of others that have lost investors millions.
Really? I have made great money on weed stocks! you must be picking the wrong ones! it was just and example that company.


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Pull out at the right time! I know it was a crap company this one "Melodiol Global Health Limited (ME1, formerly Creso Pharma Limited)" but 330% it's a fucking win!

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Pull out at the right time! I know it was a crap company this one "Melodiol Global Health Limited (ME1, formerly Creso Pharma Limited)" but 330% it's a fucking win!
All big pharma mega indoor grows are crap chemical cocktails, it's the nature of the beast!💩


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going of course just was wanting to know, how to even apply of the license


HPS turncoat
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Fuk That!

Why y'all wanna be money hungry greedy cunts off the back of a weed?

I hope all the Med companies go fukin broke!

I hope Cannabis becomes worthless, zip, zilth, no monetary value what so eva!

Greed Is Bad!

Free The Weed! ✊


HPS turncoat
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short answer yes...

it should be free... use to be free for years...

its only 50$ for Golden Bud Pass too,

rest is for camp ground fee..


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If you had a license could you distribute seeds legally? :unsure: probably a better investment?

Harry bootlace

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If you had a license could you distribute seeds legally? :unsure: probably a better investment?
maybe within ACT.
but would probably have to be sent from within ACT also.
it’s still a federal crime.

unless your allowed to prescribe seeds for some reason. and then they probably would have to be zapped so they can’t grow.

just guessing here.


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I'm just trying to work out how. As far as I know it's ok to sell seeds, from research in AU

Is it's the planting problem?

Is it promoting to grow weed?


I want to open a shop for weed seeds like in other countries! or grow medical! I deserve to spend my last 20 to 40 years of life doing what I love!! :love:

Trying to flip the Biz (y)☮️


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some young bloke got done selling seeds online, used the excuse they were all hemp seeds to get off but didnt work still got sentenced, cbf finding the article it was posted here at one stage


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some young bloke got done selling seeds online, used the excuse they were all hemp seeds to get off but didnt work still got sentenced, cbf finding the article it was posted here at one stage
No I want to be a professional at it I'm going down that path! legal I will pay or do what ever I have to. Proper seed bank, holly shit! these guys should have a TSE outlet! Brains! dude! (y)

If you have a problem you fix it right? this is what I'm looking for ;)


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No I want to be a professional at it I'm going down that path! legal I will pay or do what ever I have to. Proper seed bank, holly shit! these guys should have a TSE outlet! Brains! dude! (y)

If you have a problem you fix it right? this is what I'm looking for ;)

I’m interested in your definition of a proper, professional seed bank?


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Fuk That!

Why y'all wanna be money hungry greedy cunts off the back of a weed?

I hope all the Med companies go fukin broke!

I hope Cannabis becomes worthless, zip, zilth, no monetary value what so eva!

Greed Is Bad!

Free The Weed! ✊
Better someone who's actually passionate about the plant and growing the best possible product they can for consumers than some corporate cunt only wanting to get richer by peddling dog shit. I don't want to get rich, the same wage I get now from laying Bricks would do me , except I'd go to work everyday with a spring in my step, instead of dragging my arse out the door with dread
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