Medical Cannabis product reviews


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Just spoke to my mate (who's part of the problem ;)) and he's informed me he's now getting BOB 10g tubs @ $50 ...that's $5/g!!!

Maybe it's about time we started raising these prices to match the standard set by the USA :unsure: ;)

On a side note, when I am unable to use my home grown cannabis to self medicate, I am prescribed Melatonin which comes in @ $30/20 tablets on PBS. If I where to be prescribed MC and use it correctly as prescribed (ie. not just to get high), then I don't see how the MC would not be the more economically viable option at $5/g 🤷‍♂️.

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I said it was posted on a govt site, not written by govt

and who writes this shit? Some obsure peanut appointed by some minister in a back room in Canberra. I'd suggest they have very little clue, let alone experience, with canna and most likely run with the old 'Evil Weed' mentality or at the very least a shareholding in a big pharma co.


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Anyway, my original point, which you agreed with before going on your emotive rant, was that a poorly written e-petition such as this will achieve nothing, as what does it actually say? ...nothing, it's just a winge 🤷‍♂️.

But now (to use your own example) the government can point to it and say look people didn't back it, whilst not mentioning that it had no substance to back in the first place. Your frustration should be with the semi-literate Karen than drafted the petition, not with me for not wanting to support it.

And for the record, these aren't government conspiracies cooked up in some minister's office in Canberra, as you have suggested. Any idiot can make an e-petition, here's some current examples :

This one is titled "Stop evolution being taught in our public schools unlawfully" :ROFLMAO:.

and this one wants "only one family member can be in politics a politician at any one time" (there grammar, not mine).


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The whole legal scheme is a joke. Over-priced-non-organic-unloved-mass-produced-product. Sadly its grown by money lovers not plant lovers. Only benefit is I buy it once a year to get a nice chemist labeled container to feel slightly safer when I travel. I'd prefer a farmer to the plate style because you don't know what some of the cow boys are doing in their grows. Is there any analysis performed on samples of flower for the consumer to see? Not that it would be hard to circumvent.
That its more expensive than black market sets off alarm bells for me, and just stinks of price gouging. I understand its a more hands on crop, from start to post harvest but nah.....
Sorry all its Monday and my sleep patterns were disrupted over past few days :rolleyes:


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There's an approval process you have to go through to get MC, it wasn't just a case 'Sign me up Scotty'. well, it certainly wasn't for me. The cost has probably dropped since then too. But there were 3 govt approvals needed and a specialist's affirmation. Each had a fee. As for the drugs, I've got boxes of the fuckin things, I've got stuff you snort up ya nose, low dose and high dose opiates and if I want it, a jab is but a phone call away. I could be spaced out of my brain 24/7, all medically approved
MC is a "last resort" by definition.
Correct. But I'd much rather be able to function somewhat with pot vs being sprawled out on opiates, non-Compu Mentus but that's my choice. Some claim it's a pain killer. It's not for me, the pain is still there, it allows me to think without PAIN being the centre of my thoughts. I've used all of their meds uppers and downers and shit that just messes with the mind. Nahh, not for me. Don't get me wrong I don't only use pot solely. I have a low dose opiate that I also use. If I used solely PBS opiates to manage, my insides would be set solid, like a block of concrete. I need to be eating a box of Laxettes just to pass wind.


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(y) Merl1n, sounds like your life can be testing.
I used to scoff at the term "medicine" but have learnt it really is a broad based medicine.
Recreational is a term to denigrate users, comfort piss heads and give straight conservative types a position to denigrate other people who challenge their viewpoint.
Once people see medicine is more than shit made by legal drug pushers your viewpoint changes.
I'd suggest anyone using cannabis is medicating. Just as drinkers are medicating etc, most illegal drugs are a form of self medication, and usually through trial and error a being finds the right balance to survive, exist or function. Legal drugs do some intense shit to our bodies, and I and other cannabis users prefer the gentler edge of the plant.
For me sleep is a crucial part of mental and physical health and cannabis ensures I do and deeply. So many people have poor sleep. Milder back ground pain and the like it works great, but in your case obviously stronger meds are needed.
I never see myself as getting high, just finding a place of comfort and happiness.
No offense intended to anyone who reads this :unsure:


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"...sounds like your life can be Testing?" Ohhh, what a VERY polite way to put it. I repeatedly told the wife 'just find me a gun'. If you kept an animal in this state of health, you'd be charged with a crime, namely animal cruelty. But a person, that's different.

Like I say I have opiates here by the box full, but those things wipe me out and screw with my insides something terrible. I've been on this medical roundabout for many years due to a brain tumour, which has been operated on repeatedly and has fucked me up bigtime. I've often described the pain as someone shooting a steel bolt from the back of my head out through my eyeball. The medicos like to give the name 'cluster headaches', these ain't just 'headaches', these are bolts of agony sent from the gates of hell. Go and Google 'cluster headaches' or better yet search Youtube and watch some poor bastard trying to deal with it. Just NASTY.

If others want to pass judgement, fine, I am more than willing to pass my pain on to anybody who wants it. Unfortunately, I haven't found anybody willing to take it on. Well, I don't want it either and if canna is the best way for ME to manage it all, then that's what I use. When I was able to grow my own I did, but presently I can't, that ain't by choice. It can be really easy to stand on the outside and pass judgement, many do, but here, you take it all and manage for a day, just one day, then you can tell me all about it. But until then others can get off of their self-imposed soapboxes. I am NOT in this position by choice, I can guarantee you that. NOBODY would EVER choose to be here, not even I, but here I am.

Like SAW says "No offense intended to anyone who reads this" but I have enough medicos thinking they know all about it, but that's only what their university textbooks tell them. Or keyboard warriors who have read a couple of articles and know EVERYTHING. The reality is far more shocking from this side. I wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.


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Yeah mate I was being very polite 👍
I respect your openness and honesty and I was deliberately trying to respond clearly and without being offensive or taken the wrong way.
The late mother of my children, had her whole temporal lobe removed due to a tumour. It was undiagnosed for years, because the specialist thought she was a drug fucked hippy. Years later cancer around her brain stem took her.
It’s a scary lonely place to be as a carer and father. You find out quick smart who’s a friend or true family. The way her condition impacted her was like being with someone on acid, constantly. Looking back I stared into the abyss of insanity and are still amazed I never got lost in it.
Scarred the fuck out of me, but I’d do it all again in a flash. I learnt so much about humanity, reality, relationships and the fine thread of sanity we all walk, grasp, struggle to hold on to.
Stay strong Merl1n, big love.


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It was undiagnosed for years, because the specialist thought she was a drug fucked hippy.
Yea, that 'Drug seeker' title gets thrown around LOTS, especially by medicos. It's one I was given years ago... ...then they found the cause, they operated saying 'All fixed', it wasn't. I can think of a better 'F' word to describe it all. They've been in there poking around 6 times so far, with more to come or so I'm told. Like I say 'Nobody would choose to be here'. NOBODY!!! But still, even today, that drug seeker label gets thrown around. "Ohh, but you have a history of ...." I also have a history of dealing with arrogant medicos, but that's never identified as a contributing factor :mad: :ROFLMAO:

afghan bob

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Hang in there Merl, pain sux big time and anything that slightly alleviates or takes your mind 2 another place i say find the biggest V8 and chase that mofo down
Used 2 be called "doctor shopping" and mate believe me i done my share until the age of bloody linking prescriptions through a single database came into effect
They say "own your pain" and stupid shit like that, why own it if u can't ever give it away or sell it and who the fark would buy it anyway
Until i got the report back saying oh yes sir u do have 3 bulging discs and narrowing of canal, then it's "here have all the opioids u want", they never warn of side effects or becoming a junkie
Since my cancer diagnosis i tend 2 look at things so differently, things that were so important before don't even get a look in these days
Oil helped get off most of the "meds" but it certainly don't stop all pain and i know by sound of it your doing it a lot tougher than i was
Good friends, loving family and a sympathetic doctor are key 2 moving forward but in some cases it's one step forward and 2 behind
Good luck mate

afghan bob

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Got another 2 mate, but look nothing like this one
Except 4 the red running through all 3
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Yea, that 'Drug seeker' title gets thrown around LOTS, especially by medicos. It's one I was given years ago... ...then they found the cause, they operated saying 'All fixed', it wasn't. I can think of a better 'F' word to describe it all. They've been in there poking around 6 times so far, with more to come or so I'm told. Like I say 'Nobody would choose to be here'. NOBODY!!! But still, even today, that drug seeker label gets thrown around. "Ohh, but you have a history of ...." I also have a history of dealing with arrogant medicos, but that's never identified as a contributing factor :mad: :ROFLMAO:

Yeah it’s shit.

I finally found a doctor who doesn’t make me feel guilty or like I’m lying to get drugs.
Even after my bowel op a doctor who I didn’t know from a bar of soap gave me a hard time for the pain meds I take.

I’d rather not take them but I’d also rather not be in pain.

Hope things improve for you


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Hang in there Merl, pain sux big time and anything that slightly alleviates or takes your mind 2 another place i say
That's it Bob. It's all I can do. Me and my mate 'Pain' have a close relationship. Too close. I manage for me, not the medicos.
Used 2 be called "doctor shopping"
Yea and in years gone by I was a shopaholic. Hell, back then I had my own MIMS :ROFLMAO: to make my own shopping list :unsure:
They say "own your pain"
They're the ones who have never lived intense pain, they may have experienced it for a week, maybe a month, but living day in, day out. You have no choice but to own it. It's front and centre 24/7
Owning it is one thing, but managing it (Rather than it managing you) that takes skill ie what works and when to manage it. Sometimes I ace it, sometimes it kicks me to the curb and no 2 days are the same.

Initially, that shot, ohhh yeaaa, wonderful stuff, but over time it drags you down, way way down. I've gotta be super bad to be making that call to get the quack out, but I know it's there if needed. 'She who must be obeyed'(wifey) will make that call before I do again. I'll use what I have here first ;) I've been dealing with this for years now and I won't say I've got it all worked out, 'cos I ain't, but I can work around and manage most of it, most days.

I 'try' to look at it this way "we all have our load to manage and this is mine. There are people out there in way worse situations than mine and I thank my lucky stars I'm not one of them and I know, I so easily could be. I can get the 'Poor me's' with the best of them. But, What for? It doesn't get you anywhere. So, you keep going or ya give up. Your choice."
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