Looking to get approved for Medical Cannabis

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hey Guys
i've never got involved with med canna , well , as yet anyway , so i have no idea

i've been asked a few times lately how to register / qualify for it & generally how it works here in oz

is there a thread on here or a link to some sort of step by step guide i can point people at
considering the people asking are older folks , not so computer savvy & have trust issues when computer
surfing info , they also don't want to ask the doctor they have been seeing most of there lives

any help / links i could pass on would be handy
thanks all :)
Hi Itchy, how is the soil? ')

I went through these guys....

was really simple. Next time I would just use my GP but I didn't know it was possible.
However these guys have let me choose anything I want pretty much, I've switched at least one each time I fill my script trying to figure out what I like best.
The chemist they use is really good, I ordered a batch Friday and its arriving today (Wednesday) (Vic to WA)

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Inhale. Exhale. Just got. Well 10 g in the mail.

Really hard and dry and kinda rough to touch. Will try tonight.


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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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I only needed a small amount of the royale and I was pretty fucked
sat for 20-30mins in a daze with the tv remote in hand but tv wasn't even on as I found out :LOL:
slept like a log until my hip pain returned early this morning
Tastes exactly like the GSC I got a sample of from the US a few years back but this seems more potent??


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Wait till yah get se bubble hash mate

Have you tried the T25 full spectrum oral oil yet

$90 for 30ml , 21 day frequency

I use about 1.2 ml for a great night's sleep, seems to free up for the following day till late afternoon and I start to get sore again

That and the hash has been great for me sleep wise , don't wake up anywhere near as much from the pain when I move , smoke that shit and I don't move that much

T25 is a good daytime strain for me , not so good for sleeping


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Out of curiosity I thought I'd weigh the hash to see how much I've used in 11 days

I been fairly liberal with my dosing , very hard to weigh such a small amount, but 1.3 grams leaving 1.7 in the tub

Chimoen has had some too , so not just me

I've used it mostly in the vape , a little on top on some cones occasionally during the day if I don't have to go anywhere like today

Reminds me of when I was 18 and we'd score a block of blonde putty hash , have a session and wake up 3 or 4 hrs later just to have another session to finish the hash

Wake up at 11 or 12 and go home , that was some good shit

Think this bubble hash is as close as I'm going to get unless I somehow find the real thing again (not likely)
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I only needed a small amount of the royale and I was pretty fucked
sat for 20-30mins in a daze with the tv remote in hand but tv wasn't even on as I found out :LOL:
slept like a log until my hip pain returned early this morning
Tastes exactly like the GSC I got a sample of from the US a few years back but this seems more potent??
I had a small amount and I’m not sure it’s legal to even type while this stoned.


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Have some questions about this medicinal loophole. Anyone has time to answer, much appreciate.
From my perspective, would easily qualify but really not sure if its worth it. Be nice to be legal but guess that means only able to use and possess 'their' cannabis. My brain throws up at the thought of paying for someone else's cannabis.
Anyway say you qualify, do you have to buy a monthly amount of whatever products they suggest?
Can you just buy 1 script, keep the container and refill it for 12 mths with your own bud?
Do you have to keep talking to the the pot docs to keep qualified?

Struggle to see the value to this system right now. Products and services might be good but the system is like Merlin observed. It's the government scamming medicinal cannabis patients, taking some of the place of the black (free) market share. Cheeky buggers. If they were for real, cannabis would at the least, be on the pbs in this $cam.


Have some questions about this medicinal loophole. Anyone has time to answer, much appreciate.
From my perspective, would easily qualify but really not sure if its worth it. Be nice to be legal but guess that means only able to use and possess 'their' cannabis. My brain throws up at the thought of paying for someone else's cannabis.
Anyway say you qualify, do you have to buy a monthly amount of whatever products they suggest?
Can you just buy 1 script, keep the container and refill it for 12 mths with your own bud?
Do you have to keep talking to the the pot docs to keep qualified?

Struggle to see the value to this system right now. Products and services might be good but the system is like Merlin observed. It's the government scamming medicinal cannabis patients, taking some of the place of the black (free) market share. Cheeky buggers. If they were for real, cannabis would at the least, be on the pbs in this $cam.
I can't see many reasons you could not buy once and refill with your own, apart from the fact that they might ask why you need medical cannabis if you are only (officially) using 10 grams per year. That was my original idea, but I find I am now more interested in CBD products with small amounts of THC (never thought I'd say that). Also I am a bit jaded from growing my own. Finding this easier to be medical.

It's not so much the government, but rather the government allowing big business to cash in on this. They have become licenced dealers pretty much. Why do it? Peace of mind that you won't get busted. Peace of mind that I can travel with a vape, oil, and flower. Peace of mind that I can attend a concert without worrying about sniffer dogs, or catch a train, go to pub etc. If they reform drug driving laws that will be a big game changer. I never drive high, but the fact that it might register the day after a night vaping is a big concern.

The reform I want to see is being allowed to grow our own. I'm back in the game if that happens. One of my main medical issues is ADHD. Sadly modern hybrids don't give me the focus that old sativas did.


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Have some questions about this medicinal loophole. Anyone has time to answer, much appreciate.
From my perspective, would easily qualify but really not sure if its worth it. Be nice to be legal but guess that means only able to use and possess 'their' cannabis. My brain throws up at the thought of paying for someone else's cannabis.
Anyway say you qualify, do you have to buy a monthly amount of whatever products they suggest?
Can you just buy 1 script, keep the container and refill it for 12 mths with your own bud?
Do you have to keep talking to the the pot docs to keep qualified?

Struggle to see the value to this system right now. Products and services might be good but the system is like Merlin observed. It's the government scamming medicinal cannabis patients, taking some of the place of the black (free) market share. Cheeky buggers. If they were for real, cannabis would at the least, be on the pbs in this $cam.
hiya 3combs :)

Freddie has summed it up nicely. there is a peace of mind, knowing that you can't get busted for consuming cannabis that makes the whole experience far more relaxed - especially, for renters or anyone partaking in public.

i don't buy much at all - probably works out about 1-2 scripts per year. just enough to make sure that my tga approval is current and that i have a jar with my prescription on it, so i can travel with my own flower. i'm not sure if this is the norm, but i have a gp who doesn't care how much i consume and to my knowledge, has never checked from the pharmacy - if that is even possible. when i have an appointment i get asked my weekly dosage, but i think that is a box that the doc has to tick for the tga. i book in for around two appointments a year and most of that is covered by medicare.

when a purchase is needed to keep things looking kosher, i try to find a flower that is difficult to grow in my setup ... i'm still waiting for some kali mist to be offered for sale or some other sativa trees ... lol.

Aye Shroomer

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I can't see many reasons you could not buy once and refill with your own, apart from the fact that they might ask why you need medical cannabis if you are only (officially) using 10 grams per year. That was my original idea, but I find I am now more interested in CBD products with small amounts of THC (never thought I'd say that). Also I am a bit jaded from growing my own. Finding this easier to be medical.

It's not so much the government, but rather the government allowing big business to cash in on this. They have become licenced dealers pretty much. Why do it? Peace of mind that you won't get busted. Peace of mind that I can travel with a vape, oil, and flower. Peace of mind that I can attend a concert without worrying about sniffer dogs, or catch a train, go to pub etc. If they reform drug driving laws that will be a big game changer. I never drive high, but the fact that it might register the day after a night vaping is a big concern.

The reform I want to see is being allowed to grow our own. I'm back in the game if that happens. One of my main medical issues is ADHD. Sadly modern hybrids don't give me the focus that old sativas did.
Adult adhd right here. 😆
I’m looking at ways to help with this too. But then it leads to other conditions. I think mental health is more than one diagnosis. Sure there are legit cases but in general terms, stress leads to anxiety that leads to depression that leads to unhealthy habits that adhd can fuel.

I need to start taking more notice of what I’m doing, why and make better choices.
Really should start meditation and exercise.

But integrating cannabis and shrooms with meditation helps. Like make a proper intent to work on yourself.
I’m not perfect at that by all means. But I know that’s a way to incorporate our favourite mind altering stuff in a beneficial way.

But even recreational use is a form of healthy lifestyle. You are enjoying the time while high. I think that is overlooked by the health professionals.
Simply doing something you like doing while high should be ok.
But then it has a down side where if you partake in negative behaviour while high then it’s counter productive.

Good luck with it mate. You’re not alone in it.


Adult adhd right here. 😆
I’m looking at ways to help with this too. But then it leads to other conditions. I think mental health is more than one diagnosis. Sure there are legit cases but in general terms, stress leads to anxiety that leads to depression that leads to unhealthy habits that adhd can fuel.

I need to start taking more notice of what I’m doing, why and make better choices.
Really should start meditation and exercise.

But integrating cannabis and shrooms with meditation helps. Like make a proper intent to work on yourself.
I’m not perfect at that by all means. But I know that’s a way to incorporate our favourite mind altering stuff in a beneficial way.

But even recreational use is a form of healthy lifestyle. You are enjoying the time while high. I think that is overlooked by the health professionals.
Simply doing something you like doing while high should be ok.
But then it has a down side where if you partake in negative behaviour while high then it’s counter productive.

Good luck with it mate. You’re not alone in it.
A bit off topic, but yes, I got diagnosed only a few years ago. Went through stimulant medication, anti depression and anti anxiety meds. They worked at first but then didn't and caused all sorts of other issues. I am now completely free of medications apart from cannabis. It was a hard slog but feeling much better for it.

I cope by eating a very healthy diet (no processed food at all), exercise daily, meditation, tai chi. Shrooms occasionally, even tried microdosing for a while. Also take some amino acid supplements. Coffee and green tea. Cut down on alcohol. None of that is a cure, but it makes things sort of manageable.

Btw, when I first started using cannabis it increased my concentration immensely. That was er, 1977, and in hindsight I was self medicating. I honestly think the varieties back then were much better for ADHD than the stuff around today. Maybe there was CBD in it? Not sure but still chasing that.

Cheers, good luck with yours.

Aye Shroomer

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A bit off topic, but yes, I got diagnosed only a few years ago. Went through stimulant medication, anti depression and anti anxiety meds. They worked at first but then didn't and caused all sorts of other issues. I am now completely free of medications apart from cannabis. It was a hard slog but feeling much better for it.

I cope by eating a very healthy diet (no processed food at all), exercise daily, meditation, tai chi. Shrooms occasionally, even tried microdosing for a while. Also take some amino acid supplements. Coffee and green tea. Cut down on alcohol. None of that is a cure, but it makes things sort of manageable.

Btw, when I first started using cannabis it increased my concentration immensely. That was er, 1977, and in hindsight I was self medicating. I honestly think the varieties back then were much better for ADHD than the stuff around today. Maybe there was CBD in it? Not sure but still chasing that.

Cheers, good luck with yours.
Have a read of this


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Might be about time to sign up to this, some changes at work have introduced a whole raft of new policies and one of them is random alcohol and drug testing.... so.

Anyone able to recommend whom i should contact. Alternaleaf has been mentioned a few times and deliver to your door. My partner used Cannihelp, but they are 50% more expensive for consults and collection is at a chemist.
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