Long Legged Ladies


The Dwarf Hermie King
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If there's fuck all then we'd all only get growth on the top and everything under would die
Plants still grow in the shade!!
Just don't grown well. You don't need direct light to grow but any light penetration depends on how thick the canopy is but yes I think better quality lights penetrate further!
Just opinion but not fact!!

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HPS turncoat
Community Member
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Using LED in flowering, I strip everything underneath 45cms from cola tops. I just couldn't be bothered with the really small fluffy popcorn stuff at harvest/trimming time.
I some what leave theses alone to a point... come harvest time, they go into the butter/oil/balm box for further refinement...


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Plants still grow in the shade!!
Just don't grown well. You don't need direct light to grow but any light penetration depends on how thick the canopy is but yes I think better quality lights penetrate further!
Just opinion but not fact!!
Fair call yep things do grow in the shade.

So how does one quantify "fuck all" ?

Is there a "fuck all" mathematical equation I can use?

For 37 years Ive thought "fuck all" meant "fuck all".

I used to tell my mum "there's fuck all chance I'm wearing that to school".

I used to tell my teacher "Ms there's fuck all chance I'm doing that homework"

I just told my brother the other day "there's fuck all chance you're smoking my last cone".

And now you're telling me "fuck all" doesn't mean "fuck all"... As in "Buckleys" or "Nada" or nothing..

I really do know fuck all


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The way a look at it, there's appears to be at least two answers in the scale of input required to "give a fuck", and it's looking like they're polar opposite to each other. What lays in within the middle of the two variants, i'm still unsure at this point.

First one, as YaMum's mentioned. "fuck all" which generally requires the bare minimum input. Usually resulting in little to no outcome whatsoever. Then at very end of the scale you have "fuck around and find out". Which ends in a result of either a outcome of complete success or failure, depending on the challenges endured to acquire the final result. :p
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