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Good times...spent many afternoons smoking weed behind the local half pipe to this song while running fingers through my frosted tips, offsetting my kustom visor and tripping over denim shorts of which others couldn't figure out were jeans that were too short, or shorts that were too long. I miss those days.


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Seen them a few times at the Big Day Out and similar big gigs. Most notable thing about them when they hit the stage, the most batshit crazy fans would come out of the woodwork and lose their shit the entire time, then dissipate back into the crowd after their set. One would spend half the time watching the show, and the other half of the time being entertained by the crazies, lol.

As a band, they kick arse live..


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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heres one for pedro and other MIA members or former members
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