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Nice song Pikey. I like mate.
Yeah mate, Mantra is one of my favourite Aussie artists... puts a lot of thought into what he says rather than just spitting bars.
This is another one of his that is a personal favourite of mine... worth a listen if ya interested.

View attachment Illzilla - Milk and Honey.mp4
EDIT : Woops... seems the youtube link was region locked... I forgot I was using a VPN 🤦‍♂️
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The link didn't work for me Pikey. But I reckon I would have liked it just the same as Sugar's taste in music. Heck, sometimes I play music that doesn't sound great too me, but thank god there is someone that follows through with music that sounds good, looks good and tells a story or doesn't necessarily. You know it's time for sleep when you sound more like a muppet then usual, referring to me and my ability to communicate effectively through written dialogue.

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