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Sun Ra

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Now ya talkin my language.

Seen his YouTube channel ? Blokes off the planet. Shame. He as top of the game for a while.

my favourite Aussie band.
I even have one of his harmonicas :)
Nice people too. Always up for a chat before the gig.
I sold a guitar to one of them (Chain) a few years ago. A danelectro convertible - forget his name.

Harry bootlace

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Phil Manning perhaps.
I can’t understand how AC/DC did so well and these guys are lucky to pull a full house in a country pub.

Last time I saw them the drummer ( forget his name ) was telling me a story how in that tour they hired a car and had an old horse float to tow their instruments etc. First day driving it they stopped to get some food.
Went back to the car and couldn’t open the door. The car locked itself ( high tech shit) with the keys inside ( not so high tech ).

Anyway they called RAC or something and got the car opened. Next day they stopped to get lunch and…didn’t again. He was laughing about it. The fun of touring.

I reckon there was less than 30 people at that show.



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After two of our pooches decided to go errant in the bush overnight (in sub-zero temperatures), I've had this song stuck in my head all day & sang it to the little fucking BITCH that led the charge when they came back:


Sun Ra

Community Member
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I'm reposting this - these cunts could ROCK THE FUCK OUT !!!! Rough as guts - 1995 Melbs thrash grunge band.

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