Just had a flashback so now it's story time, deal with it.
Back around 2002(?) I was a young pup whose sole focus was skateboarding, alcohol, weed, and generally doing fuck all apart from kicking the shit out of various video games.
Triple M had a competition where The Screaming Jets would play in someone's backyard. Only a one-off concert but they would set up those festival tents and stuff and take care of the whole thing for the band and the homeowner.
It turned out that the winner lived in Gymea, which coincidentally was about 10 minutes walk from my place at the time. My friend, as usual, was over getting drunk and stoned and smashing whichever F1 game was newest at the time. At some point I remembered the competition and we were off for a walk.
There they were, maybe about 100 people and a big white festival tent in this person's front yard and The Screaming Jets were playing inside the tent. It was quite a large front yard so it wasn't a problem, not crowded or anything.
That's right, you heard me... the front yard.
Triple M had lied to everyone.
With the backyard/front yard issue being put aside, we milled around and it was a pretty casual, no fights or ultra-drunks or anything. Glassing was the done thing back then but none of that either.
So there we were, watching the Screaming Jets rock out in some person's front yard (

). It wasn't a normal situation, but cool nonetheless.
I don't know how many noise complaints the police got that night but none showed up so it was a pretty peaceful night, with a great band.