I'm sorry as well. It's a sensitive topic, I can appreciate that. Don't feel as though i'm going to judge you negatively for it, because I don't. The same with Afghan Bob.
I apologize if my original post offended you, or was derogatory, wasn't my intention at all.
"I would join to kill people." Is what I said, I believe. Reason I edited it was because I wanted to add an enemy' that would kill innocently people who have done nothing to them, etc. People shouldn't join the aussie army on the basis of being able to kill people alone' that's not what I was trying to suggest and thus, why I edited my post.
The same with my posts in relation to afghan bob's original post. Wasn't my intention to undermine what he was essentially saying. Those soldiers that died at Gallipoli weren't anything short of brave. Many around the age of 18 fighting a ferocious enemy. When they marched up the hill and were killed bye the Turks. They were taken bye surprise, had nothing to do with their ability as soldiers and were quite literally massacred."
I just didn't understand his language surrounding cartels, suicidal rats and virgins as appropriate. I guess I miss understood what he was trying to say. I think a lot of people who are suicidal are experiencing psychological turmoil not diss similar to alot of post war vets with PTSD. Virgins too, what's that got to do with anything? Anyway, I see where he is coming from now and respect him being able to express his view, with freedom of speech. I just hope he respects my ability to be able to challenge him, on a few aspects when it comes to choice of language, as you have challenged me sugar on my choice of language.
Anyhow, be hypocritical of me to suggest that people shouldn't challenge me either, as my choice of language can also and is often rather in appropriate. My intention is not to run you down. I'm sure it's not your intention to run me down either, but rather then each other pointing the finger at one another and saying your a "fuck head" or your a "Dickhead." without reason, challenge another as to why, flesh it out and come to a mutual appreciation as opposed to holding a grudge. There is always two sides to a story.